Monday, July 30, 2012

Report: DOJ looks into mobile phone service contracts - San Francisco Business Times:
The Wall Street Journal reportedd Tuesday that a review by the Department of Justice is in its early stageds but marks the latest sign that the Obamaq administration is going to be more aggressiv onantitrust laws. The most populaer smartphones in recent years have commonlu required owners to buy their service from a singldtelecom provider. is the exclusive carrier for 's iPhone, Verizon for 's BlackBerry Stormn in the U.S. and has an exclusivity deal for 'w Pre until early next year. These dealsx were the subject of Congressional hearings this year in whichj they were portrayed as an abuse of powerr by telecom providers who have growntoo powerful.
The Federal Communication s Commission said in June it plans toinvestigater them. But carriers say their exclusive deals encourage them to offedr consumers discount prices on smartphonex and supports development of theexpensive devices. They warn that governmenty intervention would impact their abilityg toinvest elsewhere, such as improving telecom network

Sunday, July 29, 2012

NMC must be responsible for authorizing broadcast frequencies – Akoto Ampaw - GhanaWeb

NMC must be responsible for authorizing broadcast frequencies â€" Akoto Ampaw


Mr. Akoto Ampaw, an Accra based Legal Practitioner has called on the National Media Commission (NMC) to be responsible in the authorization of broadcasting frequencies while relying on technical expertise of the National Communication Authority (NCA).

and more »

Friday, July 27, 2012

New York Census Data, Centuries Old, Is Now Online - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

New York Census Data, Centuries Old, Is Now Online

New York Times (blog)

What was Al Capone's address? Where did Jonas Salk live? What did John D. Rockefeller list as his occupation? Whom did Franklin D. Roosevelt list as the head of his household in 1925? The New York State Archives and Library has collaborated with ...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Get beyond boundaries to improve education - Phoenix Business Journal:
First, we believe every person deserved the chance to attain a higher education and skilledsjob training. Second, we believe that the Maricopa Countyt taxpayers deserve an extraordinary return for theirfinancial Third, we believe that Arizona busines and industry deserves to have skilled and well-educatedd workers to choose from to help buildd our common future. And lastly, we believe that hiring and retainintg the best employeesas faculty, administrators and staff is the best way to live up to the firsg three ideals.
I call on you, whether business leader, elected official or citizen: Join us to brinbg possibility andreality together; to link the questionsd of our people with the answers of our to merge people with appropriate training for skilled and to reduce the boundaries and barriers betweenn today's job market and tomorrow's knowledge economy.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Federal stimulus money might boost health care research at U of L - Business First of Louisville:
Their optimism has been specifically, by the news that the recently approved Americanj Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes an infusionof $10.5 billion for the and $3 billionm for the . Both entities fund medical research at universities and inotherd settings. U of L officialss pledged to aggressively seek a sharee of that money for its researcb programs duringa Feb. 26 event to formallyh unveil the university’s new strategic plan to the business The strategicplan — called “The 2020 Making It Happen” — focuses on five key areas, including research, scholarshipo and creative activity.
During the event, U of L presidentf James Ramsey called on the business communitgy to get engaged with the The event, held at the , was part of ’es Top Investors series. As part of the GLI, the metro chamber of commerce, holds panel discussionsd on key topics of concern for leaders of the localbusinesw community. “We want to be your partner in making agreayt community,” Ramsey told the business leaders. He also said U of L planss to be “very aggressive” in applying for stimulus money from the NIH andothefr sources. Stimulus money could go toward facilities In recent U of L has used NIHgrant funding, in to dramatically boost its health researcg efforts.
For example, the university received $30.5 million in NIH granyt money in 2008 to fund research programse relatedto cancer, birth diabetes and obesity. Such fundinv is “enormously important” to the universitu as it advances its research aimed attreatingv cancer, neurological disorders and heart Dr. Larry Cook, U of L’s executive vice president for health said at theGLI event. He pointed to the , whicn has developed a cervical cancetr vaccine and other treatments inrecentf years, as a possible beneficiaruy of such funding.
Cook said the center currentltyhas “more cancer drugs in the pipeline than any othefr cancer center in the country,” but funding is alwayds a challenge. In addition to fundingg direct research, Cook said, money from the stimulus package coule be passed on to the university from a variety of agenciews and used forother functions, including renovatinf and building research and educational facilities. Cook and Dr. Manuel Martinez-Maldonado, U of L’s executive vice president for recently returnedfrom Washington, D.C., wher they learned about the potential the stimulus package has to boos t their efforts locally.
Martinez-Maldonado said more money meanse the ability to hire more researcherasand scholars. One of U of L’s goal in its 2020 Plan is increasinfg its number of funded researchers by 60 in 2014 and by 180in 2020. Martinez-Maldonadi said that should be of interesf to the business communityh because of the potentia economic impact ofthe researchers’ work on the city and

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pleasant Unease in the Fresh Aesthetic Air - Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Pleasant Unease in the Fresh Aesthetic Air

Wall Street Journal

A version of this article appeared July 21, 2012, on page A20 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Pleasant Unease in the Fresh Aesthetic Air. Copyright 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This copy is for ...

Friday, July 20, 2012

- Washington Business Journal:
million expansion and renovationof Baltimore-Washington International which would give 10 additional gates. The Dallas-bases airline, which now operates 50 flights a dayat , woulfd have the capacity to add 100 or more dailhy flights with the new gates. Southwesty said it would add flights to routes it already serves and plans to add one new routdethis year, declining to be more specific. The low-fare which began service from BWI in 1993 with eighfdaily flights, is gearing up for increased competitio n from Arlington-based US Airwayz Inc. US Airways is scheduled to launchits low-fare dubbed MetroJet, from BWI to four cities June 1.
Plands for BWI call for 10 new expanded baggage-handling facilities, refurbished passenger waiting areas and improvements to taxiwayd and heating and air conditioning. CapStar buys Md. hotelws CapStar Hotel Co. agreed to buy two limited-services hotels in Maryland fromRouse Co. for $34 The District-based real estate investmeng trust said it willmake $6.1 milliob in improvements to convertr the Columbia Inn in Columbia to a Sheraton franchise and the Crosd Keys Inn in Baltimore to a Radisson. The hotelsx have a total of 435 The dealsboost CapStar'sd portfolio to 56 hotels with almost 15,000 rooms; the companh also manages 67 hotels with 10,318 rooms.
The sales mark Columbia-based Rouse's exit from the hotel business. Rousw will focus on its core business: developing malls, offic buildings and planned communities. Clark Constructionn Group Inc. completed its acquisition of a Californisconstruction company. Bethesda-based the area's largest commercial contractor, bought Guy F. Atkinsojn Co. in San Bruno, for an undisclosed price. Atkinson, which will operate as a subsidiaruof Clark, has offices in Boston, Denver, Connecticut and Calif. Atkinson's current projectse include a hydropower plant in Ohio and interstats workin California. Cort expands in N.Y. area Cort Business Services Corp.
of Fairfax bought the furniture rentao contracts and certain other assets of IS FurniturRental Corp. Purchase price wasn't disclosed. IS is a privatelyu held company basedin N.J., that has three rental showrooms in New York and New It generated revenue of $8 millionb last year. Publicly traded Cort operateds 109rental showrooms, 72 furniture clearancee centers and 70 warehouses.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

AMC, competitors cooperate on switch to digital - Kansas City Business Journal:
Kansas City-based AMC and (NYSE: RGC) each has an equal ownership interest in the new AMC said in arelease Tuesday. Digital Cinema Implementation is basecd inBergen County, N.J. Travis Reid, formere CEO of , is the new company's chairman and CEO. Reid said in an interviewq that the new company is preparingf bytesting equipment, designing software systems and organizingb financing. He wouldn't disclose how much the transition to digital technology will cost or how much each companyh contributed to form thenew company. Reid said the new company expectsd to start implementing the new technologt in early 2008 and finish threer to fouryears later.
AMC said in the release that the new companu willprocure equipment, arrange financinbg and negotiate usage agreements with studios and other content providers. Cooperatiohn by major cinema companies on new businesas trends is notunheard of. , AMC Entertainment said it woulc getabout $490 million after a company partlu owned by it, Cinemark and Regal Entertainment goes

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

City Council committee OKs airport parking contract - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The panel voted 3-2 to send a resolution awardinva three-year contract to manage parking operations at the world’s busiesf airport to , which also oversees parkinh at Chicago O’Hare International and 60 airportsa nationwide. If the full city council approvexs the resolutionon Monday, the contract would run for three yeards with a two-year renewal option at the city’z discretion. Parking is the airport’s most lucrative revenue Hartsfield-Jackson receives about $85 millioj a year from parking and the parking management company getsabout $23. 4 million in pre-approved operating plus management fees. Atlanta Businesas Chronicle first reported the forthe contract.
Standards competed with four other parking management companiees forthe contract, including , which has held the contract for most of the past two decades, and -backed ATL The selection process was Airport officials threw out a firsf set of bids last acknowledging that it wasn’t conducted properly, resulting in a second roun of bidding. On Wednesday, representatives of several losingy bidders complained to the committeed that StandardParking Corp. received the highest score fromthe airport’s evaluation team even though the proposed operatint budget it submitted was higher than some of the other competitors.
“There ought to be, from this a demand for a greater understandin g of how these criteria were saidKevin Ross, representing Parking Company of America. But airportr General Manager Ben DeCostw said the selection committee went beyond financialk numbers to consider such factors aseach bidder’s expertisd and quality. When taking the full range of qualifications into account, he said Standarf received the highest score by a wide margin. The biddingb process still left two committee members dissatisfied enough to attempt to delay movinb forward withthe contract.
But a narrow majority of the panel voted to send the resolution to thefull

Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama: U.S. will take
The federal government plans to invest anadditional $30.1 billion in the Detroit-based compang (NYSE: GM), which filed for . This means the governmengt will own 60 percent of the compangy once it emergesfrom bankruptcy, Obams said. “This may give some Americans pause,” he said, but it was a bette r alternative than making more loans to a company that hasbeen “buriedf under a mountain of debt” for years. The president said he has “nol interest” in running GM. “The federal government will refraibn from exercising its rights as a shareholder in all but the most fundamentapcorporate decisions,” Obama said.
“When a difficultt decision has to be made on matters like wheres to open a new planyt or what type of new carto make, the new GM, not the Uniterd States government, will make that “In short, our goal is to get GM back on its take a hands-off approach and get out The hopes that will be the but it plans to “carefully monitor” the decisions made by GM and which is emerging from its government-guided bankruptct reorganization. “We will expose and fight any counterproductivwe influenceby government, unions or politicians over decisione that should be left to chamber CEO Tom Donohuse said.
“And we will continuallyh insist that government reduce and eliminate its ownershipp stake as soonas possible.” Too much governmentt interference will hurt the automaker’es chances of returning to profitability, Donohue “The global talent that exists in the automotive sector must be allowef to do its job and be paid on a competitived basis,” he said. “Managemeng must be permitted to make tough decisions in a competitivd global market without political House Minority LeaderJohn Boehner, R-Ohio, said GM’sw bankruptcy filing “may buy some but doesn’t ensure that the companyh will succeed.
“The only thin it makes clear is that the government is firml in the business of runninhg companies usingtaxpayer dollars,” Boehnerr said. “Does anyone really believde that politicians and bureaucrats in Washingto n can successfully steer a multinational corporationj toeconomic vitality? It’s time for the administratiohn to fully explain what the exit strateggy is to get the U.S. government out of the boardroom once andfor all.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

No longer expedient to give in to strike threat - Financial Post (blog)

Financial Post (blog)

No longer expedient to give in to strike threat

Financial Post (blog)

Howard Levitt: Citizens are prepared to accept strikes in return for private-public wage parity and tax relief.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Rhythm developer latest to sue would-be buyers - Nashville Business Journal:
, the Brentwood-based developer of the 105-unit condo building that came online this filed suit Friday againsg four buyers who would not or coulds not close ontheir units. The filed in Davidson CountytChancery Court, accuse the buyers of violatin the terms of their contracts and ask for the develope to be awarded the full purchase price of the units, plus legalp costs. The units rangr in price from $317,000 to $539,000. The sour economy, tight lending conditions for buyers and a glut of new condos comingb onto the market in the past year have combinee to slow sales and create financial headachesd forcondo developers.
Therr are legal conflicts with reluctanr buyers atseveral Nashville-area high-rise residentiap developments. has filed suit against buyers who pulledd out of purchasing units at the Bristol West End inMidtownm Nashville. Jamison Station in Franklin has successfully forced buyers to the closing tablew with suitsagainst them. Icon in the a joint venture of Bristol Developmenrtand , is also the defendant in severao suits by buyers who signer contracts on units there, but claimn the developers were deceptive in theirf promises and their dealings regarding the development.
Terrazzi in the Gulch has also been sued by buyerz claiming they were misled and that informationn was notdisclosed properly. Terrazzo’s developer is Croslanf Tennessee. Several local condo developments have been put into receivershilpby lenders. They include the Braxton in Ashland 5th & Main in East Nashville and Rolling Mill Hill in downtowjn Nashville.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Restaurant outlook dampens - Memphis Business Journal:
A total of 60 percent of operatorse saw lower May sales compared to ayear ago, whiler 26 percent said sales were up. The association also says restaurany operators reported negative customer traffifc levelsin May, the 21st consecutive month of traffic declines. "Despite the softer sales restaurant operators remained relatively optimistic that the economy will improve in themonthsx ahead," the Association said. "Thirty-four percent of restaurang operators said they expect economic conditions to improve in six down slightly from 37 percent who reporteds similarlylast month.
" After reaching a 10 month high last the group says restaurant operators have scaleds back plans for capital expenditures in the coming with 41 percent planning to spenfd money on remodeling or equipment, down from 46 percenr last month.

Monday, July 9, 2012

UnitedHealth subsidiary launches short-term plans - Portland Business Journal:
Indianapolis-based Golden Rule Insurance Co., part of Minnetonka-baserd UnitedHealth, said Tuesday that it is introducingt its Short Term Medical Plus and Short Term Medicao Value plans in 19 states Minnesota isn’t one of them, as state law prohibitss for-profit insurers. In Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texaw and Wisconsin, consumers can choose from one to 12 months of coveragee with either ofGolden Rule’s new short term In Arizona, Indiana, Ohio and Virginia, one to six months of coveragde is available.
“Especially in today’s economy, theree is a need for budget-conscious healtuh plans for individuals and families who suddenlyy find themselves without health insurance through workor school,” Golden Rule CEO Richar d A. Collins said in a news release. Goldem Rule also offers short term healthh plans in 15other states: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Soutbh Carolina, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming.
Individual insurance plana are a growing market for health insuranced companies as the recession causezs workers to losetheir jobs, and companiea to scale back on benefits, causingy more people to seek the products. All three of Minnesota’ major insurers — Blue Cross and Blue Shiels of Minnesota, Medica, and HealthPartners — have been . One of Medica, even geared toward laid off workers.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Drew Storen gets victory as Potomac beats Carolina - Inside NoVA

Washington Times (blog)

Drew Storen gets victory as Potomac beats Carolina

Inside NoVA

A few years ago, the Potomac Nationals' slogan was Tomorrow's Nationals Today.

Tyler Clippard took Drew Storen's job as Nats' closer, but they're still wingmen

Washington Post

Drew Storen throws one inning in first rehab start

Washington Times (blog)

News and notes: Drew Storen close to returning (blog)

Bleacher Report -Federal Baseb »

Friday, July 6, 2012

Kate Middleton's Nautical McQueen Sweater Dress at Wimbledon: Gotta Have It ... - E! Online

E! Online

Kate Middleton's Nautical McQueen Sweater Dress at Wimbledon: Gotta Have It ...

E! Online

Kate Middleton's arms haven't been seen unsheathed since before she married Prince William and, just because it may be hot where you are, it doesn't mean the Duchess of Cambridge is revealing skin.

Royals, Fashion Icons, Tennis Greats And Actors Show Up At Wimbledon


Royal Repeat: Kate Middleton Wears Alexander McQueen To Wimbledon

Yahoo! Canada Shine On


Thursday, July 5, 2012

BrightScope Lists the Top 25 Portland Area-Based Companies With the Best ... - MarketWatch (press release)

BrightScope Lists the Top 25 Portland Area-Based Companies With the Best ...

MarketWatch (press release)

SAN DIEGO, CA, Jul 05, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- BrightScope ( ), a leading provider of independent financial information and investment research, today announced its second annual list of the top Portland area-based ...

and more »

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Freer festival-goers play 14 games of bingo - Alice Echo-News Journal

Freer festival-goers play 14 games of bingo

Alice Echo-News Journal

As long as the Freer Freedom Festival has been around, there has been a bingo tournament at the St. Mary's Catholic Church Parish Hall and this year was no exception.

and more »

Monday, July 2, 2012

Even Slightly Early Birth May Hurt Academic Performance - ABC News

ABC News

Even Slightly Early Birth May Hurt Academic Performance

ABC News

Children born at 37 weeks and 38 weeks had significantly lower reading and math scores compared to children born at 39, 40 or 41 weeks, according to a new study.

Birth timing may be tied to later school woes


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cheques to Clear in Two Days From July One -

Cheques to Clear in Two Days From July One

This follows the banks' implementation of the cheque truncation system which will see all cheques - both from rural and urban- handled in the same clearing zone. Before, cheques deposited upcountry attracted a commission of 0.25 per cent of the cheque ...

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