Friday, June 29, 2012

Eight Karnataka ministers quit, demand chief minister's ouster (Third Lead) - New York Daily News

The Hindu

Eight Karnataka ministers quit, demand chief minister's ouster (Third Lead)

New York Daily News

Bangalore, June 29 â€" In fresh trouble for Karnataka's BJP government, eight ministers, loyal to scam-hit former chief minister B.S. Yeddyurappa, quit Friday to pressure the party leadership to remove Chief Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda. Two more are ...

Eight ministers from Yeddyurappa camp quit

The Hindu

Eight Karnataka ministers quit; crisis in ruling BJP


Karnataka crisis: After eight Yeddyurappa loyalists quit govt, BJP rushes ...


Indian Express -Yahoo! India News


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Medical groups react to Supreme Court healthcare ruling - Los Angeles Times

CBS News

Medical groups react to Supreme Court healthcare ruling

Los Angeles Times

Across the country, organizations are reacting to the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision to uphold President Obama's Affordable Care Act.

Medical groups laud Supreme Court's decision

CBS News

Health care decision: Religious reaction swift; Catholic groups' lawsuits will ...

Washington Post (blog)

Liberal groups cheer Supreme Court ruling

Houston Chronicle (blog)

The Detroit News -Jewish Telegraphic Agency -Crain's Chicago Business


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Exclusive Book Excerpt: 'Amy, My Daughter' by Mitch Winehouse -

Exclusive Book Excerpt: 'Amy, My Daughter' by Mitch Winehouse

After the tragic death of Amy Winehouse last year, her father, Mitch, agreed to write a memoir about his daughter's brief life. In this exclusive exce.

Amy Winehouse's Father Opens Up About Singer's Drug, Alcohol ...

ABC News

Amy Winehouse's father Mitch Winehouse shares grief, memories in ...


PHOTOS: Mitch Winehouse Promotes Tell- »

Monday, June 25, 2012

Austin construction jobs down 5.8% over last year - Austin Business Journal:
In Austin, construction jobs declined 5.8 percent to 45,50 0 between April 2008 and April 2009. Among the communitiesw seeing the largest declines in constructionn employmentwere Tucson, Ariz. with a 29.2 percenr decline and Redding, Calif. with a 31.6 percentr decline. By comparison, construction employment grew in only 19 of nearl 300metro areas, led by an 8 percentt gain in Odessa and a 7.3 percent increase in Baton Rouge, La. According to the AGC, the construction sectod has seen the largest decline in employment relative to the rest ofthe economy. While overall construction unemploymentt wasat 18.7 percent in Aprikl 2009, the overall unemploymenty rate was 8.6 percent.
So whilee construction accountsfor one-fifth of the U.S. workforce, constructio n workers account for 20 percent of all jobs lost in thepast “Job loss figures like these are exactly what prompted Congress and the Administration to craft a stimulus package designed to get Americans back to work as quicklg as possible,” said AGC Chief Ken Simonson. “Puttingy these funds to good use as quicklyh as possible is the best way to get Americansa back to work and the economgy backon track.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chamber poll: Crist
He received a 70 percent approval while 21percent disapproved. The poll also shows that 66 percenr of Floridians support the South Florida WaterManagement District’e purchase of 182,000 acres of land from for restoration of the Everglades. “Though we are continuing to see the overalk mood of theelectorate souring, Gov. Crist’ popularity remains high,” said Marian the chamber’s vice president of political The findings conflict with a poll released Mondahyby Mason-Dixon for Concernee Citizens of the Glades, a grassroots organization opposingf the land deal. That poll founcd Floridians are divided when it comes to whether the statse should go through withthe $1.
3 billiom purchase. 50 percent felt Florida was heading in thewrongt direction. 55 percent opposed a 2 percent increaser in the statesales tax. 55 percenft said the legislature should cut government even if it means cutting programs and 25 percent said the legislature should not cut any but should raise taxes to pay forgovernment expense. The surveyh of 600 likely Florida voters wasconducted Feb. 23-24 by . It has a marginn of error of plus or minuxs 4percentage points.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Study: Colorado clean-energy jobs growing twice as fast as other industries - Denver Business Journal:
The report — the Colorado portion of a 50-stats analysis — said clean-energy jobs in Coloradpo increased 18.2 percent between 1998 and versus anoverall job-growth rate of 8.2 Pew said there were 17,008 clean-energy jobs at 1,778 companiees in Colorado as of 2007. Coloradko tied for 18th among the states in the pace ofits clean-energy job growtj over the 10-year period studied by Pew. The top statese were Idaho, with 126 percent clean-job followed by Nebraska, 109 percent, but both states still have smalleertotal clean-energy job totalas than Colorado.
“Colorado has a large share of America’s cleabn energy economy – and it is growing Niki Hawthorne, Colorado representative for the PewEnvironment Group, said in a statemengt released with the report. Hawthorne said, “has adopted renewable energy and energy efficiencystandards – creating a promising market for clean energy generation and energy efficiency products.” California had the most clean-energy jobs — 125,390 as of 2007 Pew said. Separately, Pew said clean-energy industriese in Coloradoattracted $622,400,734 in venture-capital funding between 2006 and the fifth-highest amount in the nation. clean-energy jobs grew at 9.
1 percent between 1998 and versus total job growthof 3.7 percent, Pew’s reporty said. Pew described its reportr as the first-ever nationwide hard count acrosx all 50 states of actual jobs createdby clean-energy industries. “The clean energy economy is poised forexplosive growth,” Lori Grange, interim deputy director of the Pew Centee on the States, said in a statemenf Wednesday. “These jobs are driving economic growt and environmental sustainability at a time when Americaneedsx both.
There is a potential competitived advantage for federal and state policy leaders who act now tospur jobs, businessesa and investments in the clean energy Pew said it defined clean-energy jobs as those related to “expandinfg clean energy production, increasing energy efficiency, reducingv greenhouse gas emissions, waste and and conserving water and other naturakl resources.” .

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

After Harvard study urging career training, states network to offer 4 ... - Washington Post

After Harvard study urging career training, states network to offer 4 ...

Washington Post

More than a year after the release of a Harvard University report encouraging the development of more pathways to careers for young adults, a coalition of six ...

and more »

Monday, June 18, 2012

Blue Jackets wave white flag on sin tax bid for Nationwide Arena - Business First of Columbus:
The National Hockey League club’ds proposal to have the county buy the privately owned aren appears deadfor now, state and county officialsx told Columbus Business First on Tuesday. The Blue Jacketas have been leading discussions on a plan in which the statew would grant Franklin County commissioners the authority to imposd or put on the ballotf an increase in alcohol and tobacco Money from thoseadditional “sin taxes” would be used to finance a county purchase of the arena, which is ownef by a partnership between Nationwide Aren and Dispatch Printing Co.
The commissioners said they are againsgt imposing such a tax and need more information from the Blue Jacketw on what exactly isbeing proposed. “We don’t know what the factx are here,” said Paula Brooks, president of the county commissioners. “Ws all love the Blue Jacketds – I’ve been a season-ticket holder since the beginningh – and we’d all like to see a community-widd effort to get the facts and arrive at what needs tobe done.” Without support from county and city officials, the alcoholo and tobacco tax issue is dead at the Statehouse, said stats Sens. Jim Hughes, R-Columbus, and David R-New Albany.
Counties in Ohio need state approva to raise the excise taxon beer, wine, liquor and “We would be hard-pressed to providew legislation for something don’t want to do,” Goodmanj said. Hughes said there are no planxs to include the sin tax provision inthe two-year stated budget bill that will be voted on in the Senatew this week. “I see it as a city and county he said. “From my understanding and discussions with the Blue they will go back and try to come up with a solutionm by working with the county and Lobbyists for the beer and tobaccp industries had feared the excise tax authorizatio would be slipped into the budgetr bill with nopublic discussion.
But the issue became publifc May 28 whenmedia outlets, including Business First, began reporting on the Blue Jackets’ Many of the stories have included citizen commentws against a county buyout of a privately owned arena duringh a recession and raising alcohol and tobacco taxes to pay for it. The Blue Jacketse have said an unfavorabler Nationwide Arena lease is contributiny to financial losses the team has sufferedf inrecent years. Blue Jackets President Mike Priest has peggedr the lossesat $80 millionn over the past seven years.
Club officials have said they think they coulf get a more favorable arena deal if the county owned the The team believes it presentedan “articulats and well-thought-out plan” to county and Ohio Senate leaders, said Greg the hockey club’s senior vice presidentr and general counsel. “They’ve chosen not to pursus that particular approach,” he said. “We’re looking forwarr to working with them on a The team, whose majorituy owner is Worthington Industriezs CEO John P. McConnell, remains committed to helping createa public-private partnership to addres s the arena issue, Kirstein said. “Thids is beyond hockey,” he said.
“In our it’s about the Arena District and what’s becomd the shining star of downtown The Blue Jackets and Nationwide Arena have had an economicf impact of morethan $2 billion since the arena opened in according to a recent study commissioned by the Nationwide Realty Investors and the Franklin County Convention Facilities Authority. Kirstein and Priest have said the team wantse to avoid talking about what will happejn if the BlueJackets can’f get a more favorable arena including the threat of the team being sold or moved. The Blue arena lease runs through 2026 withthre five-year renewal options, Kirstein said.
There are no buyout provision s forthe Jackets, and Nationwide would have first right of refusalp to buy the team if it’s put up for Goodman said community leaders shoulx consider every “responsible and appropriate avenue” to keep the Blue Jacketzs from leaving Columbus. “This team has become part of the hearg and soul ofthis community,” he said. “It’s an importanft economic engine, especially to the revitalization ofdowntowm Columbus.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bahria Town prices dip on Malik Riaz scandal - The Express Tribune

The Express Tribune

Bahria Town prices dip on Malik Riaz scandal

The Express Tribune

Being a real estate agent in Lahore, Azeem like many others peers invested in the ... my savings in this scheme, but also money of my investors,” said Azeem.

and more »

Friday, June 15, 2012

City center retailers holding their own despite economic downturn - Birmingham Business Journal:
“Giving people green space will offe r them the opportunity to come downtow n when they would otherwise never have a reason to he said. Jason Bajalieh, owner of the recentlh opened , says transportation and parkingissuezs can’t be overlooked in the “We need to be able to move peopl e in and out of downtowhn much faster than getting into their own vehicle to drivd a few blocks. we need more communication – a journal or weekl y paper ofsome sort, for the employees and businesw owners downtown.” Moving Main Street Birmingham’s Fleming said Birmingham should take advantage of some of its existing assets – including its history.
“People will be drawn here for the sens e of place and historh and character thatyou can’t find in new stripp malls and big parking lots,” he “We will not make a better Birminghakm by tearing it all down.”

Thursday, June 14, 2012

IBM's Shook '83 Shares Insights to Success - Wabash College

Wabash College

IBM's Shook '83 Shares Insights to Success

Wabash College

One of the great experiences of attending Wabash College is the exposure to many of the College's successful alums. The Summer Business Immersion ...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Catlin brings something new to Rancho: outdoor dining - Sacramento Business Journal:
That’s been the view of Rancho where anestimated 17,700 workers arrive daily at 40 officw buildings in the business district south of Highway 50. Luncyh is a hop-in-the-car affair, with a wait in traffic for drive-throughg fast food. But that’s about to change, thanks to a project by that will providreRancho Cordova’s first large, outdoor, patio-style dinint area. It’s part of an effortr by the city to createa “downtown” of gatheringf places, albeit a downtown unlike any other.
Catlin’e Zinfandel Place, with 63,000 squarw feet of retail and office, is atypical all around, with undergroun parking and offices housedabove “We’ve owned this propertgy for 12 years,” said Charlie Sumner, a partner with Catlinb Properties. The company originally had planne projects stereotypical of thesurrounding environment. “For that time we could not get a plan togetherthat worked. We were lookintg at a straightoffice project, but that got nixed.” Planners at the nascenr city, founded in 2003, had a different idea: a glass-enclosex plaza for patio dininv where people could gather for luncj or after work, something sorely lacking in the city.
Now the project’as two buildings are nearing completion. Thered are some initial signs that restaurateurs and offic e users are buying intothe concept, thoughg it’s still too early to considefr the project an unqualified success. It has attracted five restaurants and an officd user in addition toCatlin Properties, which relocated to the development this month. is one of the anchod restaurants atZinfandel Place, with a range of others on including Mr. Pickles, Los Cerros Mexican Chantara Thai Restaurant and EatA Pita. Including an office the project is 42percent leased.
Letters of intenr signed with other potential tenantse would make it more thanhalf “My experience has been if you can be 25 percenr leased on the day you open, then you’re doingv well,” Sumner said. “It’s really slow out there Existing landlords are trying to retain tenante and approvingsweetheart deals.” Accordiny to , the Highway 50 market had the highesyt vacancy rate of the metro area last at 15.8 percent for large retail centers. Sumnerf said the cost of constructiobn for Class A product requires lease rates in the rangeof $2.50 to $2.65 per squarw foot.
But he acknowledged that the compangy can’t expect to get those ratese in today’s marketplace, especially when competing with olded buildings withdiscount rates. Instead, landlordes are signing short-term leases with the idea of bein g poised to capture arebounding market. The next test for the projecr is whether consumers will buy into the The patio should be ready in the nextthrese months. For the city, it’s a chancs to build some character, said Micah economic development manager.
He and others are still tinkerinh with the downtown concept while acknowledginb that the city will nevedr have a true downtown ormain “We have a pretty large downtown area in our generalo plan,” he said. “We’re trying to work throughh thatbecause what’s there is just too big. Downtowns are smaller than that.” Next door to Zinfandell Place isCapital Village, a larger mixed-usr community that includes retail and offices surrounded by housing that’s also part of the downtown Last year, private real estate investment company bought Capital Village, just sout h of Zinfandel Place, from Although terms of that deal were not Sumner said the new owners have been offeringg retail space at rates lower than replacementy cost.
Despite that, the Zinfandel project has been able to Sumner claimed. “It fills a market void,” said Scot Carruth, one of the listing agents at CB Richarfd Ellis representing the retail portion of the ZinfandelPlacew project. He noted that workers sometimes traveol several miles to Watt Avenue to getnoontime meals. “We’ve had more success here than any othe rproject we’ve had in Sacramento,” Carruth “It hits on a lot of

Monday, June 11, 2012

Williams, Smith draw biggest paychecks - Business First of Buffalo:
The norms for all Westerb New York teachers, according to the Education Department, are $35,560 at the start, $52,200 at the midpoint and $83,965 at the peak of thei careers. But there are substantial deviationzs from districtto district: Wages for beginning teachers tend to be higher in Niagarq Falls than anywhere else in the region. The Niagara Falls City Schookl District has a fifthb percentile salaryof $42,265 for its classrookm teachers, leading all Western New York schoolk systems. Williamsville is close behinds witha low-end salary of $42,059.
Seven othef districts have pay scales thatsurpass $40,000 for their youngesyt teachers: Fredonia, Niagara-Wheatfield, Norty Tonawanda, Lewiston-Porter, West Seneca, Grand Islansd and Ellicottville. At the bottom is West where the fifth percentile salaryis $25,140. The median pay for all 800 classroom teachers in the Williamsvillwe Central School Districtis $63,918, whicgh is nearly $2,000 higher than any other district in the Three other systems have median (or 50th salaries higher than $60,000: North Tonawanda, Granc Island and Sweet Home. Warsaw is at the bottom, paying its classroo m teachers a median salaryof $40,953.
Grand Island offers the steepest peak for with a 95th percentile salaryof $91,390. The only othet district above $90,000 is Sweert Home at $90,893. Rounding out the top five are Cheektowaga-Maryvale and Alden, all with peak salariexs above $87,000. Paychecks at this exalted levek are reserved for the mostexperiencer teachers, generally those with at least 30 years in the classroom. The tiniest summift is in Wyoming, which also has the smallest enrollment of any Western New Yorkschool district, 163 students. Peak pay for Wyoming’sd teachers is $60,434, almost $3,500 below the caree midpoint in Williamsville.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jazz breaking news: Child of Agharta spiritual guitarist Pete Cosey dies at 68 - Jazzwise magazine

Jazz breaking news: Child of Agharta spiritual guitarist Pete Cosey dies at 68

Jazzwise magazine

Jazzwise's George Cole spoke to Cosey about his time with Miles and he explained humbly to George: “I had never in my life considered for one second that I would play with Miles Davis. I had always wanted to play with John Coltrane and the Modern Jazz ...

and more »

New Orleans Saints players stand by Gregg Williams

The embattled former Saints defensive coordinator has been run over by more buses than a New Orleans pothole in the past six months. Michael DeMocker/The Times-PicayuneMICHAEL DeMOCKER / THE TIMES-PICAYUNE Saints defensiove coordinator Gregg Williams ...

To the casual obser ver, the New Orleans Saints' workouts appear to be quieter ...



Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memphis International Airport gets $22.5M grant for new parking garage - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
million grant through the Tennessee Departmentof Transportation’s Aeronautics Divisiohn to build a new $135-$140 million parking The new garage will be built just north of the existintg garage. It will be seven levels with two levelsd for rental car retail spacse and the rest for It will be connected to the terminal by a movingy sidewalk on thelowest level. Constructionj is expected to begin late this year and take 24 monthzto complete.
The Shelby Countyh legislative delegation helped secure these funds for Memphis International according to apress “Investing in our commercial airports helpxs our state remain competitive in the aeronautics industry and provide a good firsty impression to visitors and businesx travelers to Tennessee,” Gov. Phil Bredesen said in a TDOT’s Aeronautics Division administers federal and state fundingf to assist Tennessee airportsin location, design, construction and maintenance. Grantr applications are reviewed by the TennesseeAeronauticsa Commission, a five-member board charged with regulatinb changes in the state’s airport systej plan.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Nawazuddin gets late recognition, says it's never too late - New York Daily News

Nawazuddin gets late recognition, says it's never too late

New York Daily News

Mumbai, June 3 â€" He has been consistently delivering powerful performances in small roles on the big screen, but Nawazuddin Siddiqui didn't get recognition till his two films were screened at the 65th Cannes International Film Festival.

and more »

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nixon, Quinn push Biden, LaHood for high-speed rail - Nashville Business Journal:
In April, Nixon and along with six otherrMidwestern governors, to LaHood asking him to support plans for rail corridor between cities in their including St. Louis to Chicago and St. Louis to Kansas Illinois has completed an environmentalo impact statement forthe Chicago-St. Louisz corridor. “Missouri and our partner states in the alreadgy have a competitive advantage because we have been workinf on this rail initiative for more than a Nixon said in a statementg afterthe roundtable.
“I reiterated our stronyg position to Vice President Biden today while we discussexd the viability of high speed rail The White House and the have said they wouldf from the American Recovery andReinvestment Act, and $1 billion a year for five yeard as a down payment to develop a passenger rail The other governors at the meeting were Jim Doyle of Wisconsin, Jennifere Granholm of Michigan, Tim Kaine of Deval Patrick of Sonny Perdue of Georgisa and Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Trudy Rubin: Spreading peril as the Syrian violence goes on - Bradenton Herald

Trudy Rubin: Spreading peril as the Syrian violence goes on

Bradenton Herald

By TRUDY RUBIN â€" The Philadelphia Inquirer Sunni Arab leaders, in dark suits or long robes, were pulling up to the mosque in this north Lebanon village, to mourn the death of Sheikh Ahmed Abdul-Wahid. Huge banners, splashed with the portrait of the ...

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