Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Delta puts off Kenya, Liberia routes - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Delta’s Liberia route, scheduleed to commence June 8, is also postponede indefinitely. Atlanta-based Delta (NYSE: DAL) said Homelanfd Security officials notified the carrier late Monday it wouled require additional time to approve Delta’s announced routes to Kenya, and Monrovia, Liberia. "Delta regrete any inconvenience to our customers causedr by the postponement of our new direct servicd to Kenyaand Liberia,” the carrietr said in a statement. Delta said it is contacting affectef customers and booking them on flights operates byAir France, KLM and its othe r partners in SkyTeam.
The flights will connect to Africa througnthose carriers’ European hubs, Delta The Kenya route was to originate in Atlantaq and connect to Nairobi with a stop in Senegal. Delta’s Liberia route, scheduled to commence June 8, is also postponefd indefinitely. Those passengers are also beinf rescheduled. Africa has been a poinr of growthfor Delta, which is the only U.S-based airline that flies its own aircraft to the Delta currently services six destinations in five Africah nations: Accra, Ghana; Cairo, Egypt; Johannesburg and Cape South Africa; Lagos, Nigeria; and Dakar, Senegal.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Correctly identifying and handling dementia - Mainichi Daily News


Mainichi Daily News

Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Correctly identifying and handling dementia

Mainichi Daily News

As a psychiatrist, I have the occasion to see elderly patients. Sometimes, family members that accompany these patients will say, "The forgetfulness has been worrisome, but the patient's negative comments and morose behavior concerns us even mor e. ...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wendy Welsh

Friends and family swayed her in the direction of It helped that the city had begun its downtown revitalizatiomn efforts with the addition of the Kentuckyg Center forthe Arts, and a job offerd from Louisville Gas & Electric Co. sealed the deal. At her husband’ws urging, Wendy Welsh enrolled in a self-defensed course he had taken known as krav which is popularamong law-enforcement John Welsh said he realized how out of placew she was when she showef up in pink workout clothes and everyonee else in the room was dressed in The experience was one that she endured rathetr than enjoyed, but John Welsyh was impressed that she was willinf to push her limits.
She is an “extraz gentle person,” John Welsh said. “It’s impossible to imagine her punchingf someone, but she did.”

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Supervisors Approve Termination of Newtown Public Works Employee - Patch.com


Supervisors Approve Termination of Newtown Public Works Employee


21, Newtown Township supervisors approved the termination of a township public works employee for violating the township's employee manual. By Jennifer Kim Newtown Board of Supervisors approved to terminate a public works employee at a special meeting ...

and more »

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rice researchers to test

Arsenic is a colorless, odorless, tastelesa element, but prolonged exposure to dangerous levelsd of arsenic can lead toskin discoloration, sickneszs and cancer. Testing will begibn later this yearin Guanajuato, a city located 230 miles northwes t of Mexico City. “Mexico’s debating the adoption of more stringeng national standards for allowable levels of arsenic indrinkingt water, and officials in Guanajuato are looking ahead to explore ways they might meet stricted new standards,” Vicki Colvin, inventor of the nanorustg technology, said in a statement.
Colvin is Rice’s Pitzer-Schlumberger Professore of Chemistry and directorof Rice’s Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology. Her arsenic-removing technolog is based on the uniques properties of particlescalled “nanorust,” tiny bits of iron oxide that are smalled than living cells. Colvin and colleague Masomn Tomson, Rice professor in civio and environmental engineering, found that nanorust which naturally binds with arsenic could be used asa low-cost meands of removing arsenic from Tests in Guanajuato will be undertaken on nanorust-coveresd sand that is used in sand filter s to treat groundwater from wells.
The treated watere will be kept separate from water released forhuman

Friday, November 18, 2011

To boost sales, check your optimism level - Sacramento Business Journal:

Here’s a thought: Take a look at a soft emotional intelligencd skill that yields hard sales results, optimism. There is evidence that supports the theorgy that sales teams possessing high levels of optimism make companieesmore money. One of the best case studie s comes from the work that psychologist Martin Seligman did with Metropolitab Life inNew York. He convinced Met Life to give him access to their new employees and administer theusuak testing, as well as a new test he developed that measuredc optimism. He followed the progress of new salespeopld for one year and found that salespeople who scorede high in optimism sold 33 percentf more insurance than those whoscorede low.
After two years, the optimistid group of salespeople were thriving intheire positions, which increased retention and decreasecd the costs associated with turnover and increased How optimistic is your organization ? There is a lot of presss on the swine flu, and people are worriec about catching it. Theres is another epidemic to watch out forin today’xs economy: pessimism. It can be deadly when it hits an organizatiojn because emotionsare contagious. The clinical term is emotional contagion and is defineras “the transmission of When people are in a certaih mood — happy or depressed that mood is often communicatede to others. What is the mood at your company?
A sales manager shares the story of a rep who started everyt conversation in the lastdownturn with, “You probably don’t have any monegy so you don’t want to buy The self-fulfilling prophecy was set by the salesperson, and the prospectt followed the salesperson’s lead. No So what can you do to stop the epidemicof pessimism? Study and duplicate optimistic salespeople. When faced with adversity, optimisticx salespeople ask themselves: • What’sa good about this? They know that adversity is wher true character is formed and great lessonsare taught.
Optimists take advantage of this schoolinvg because they know that lesson learned today make money inthe • What can I do about this situation? Optimistsz know that control equals action, action yielde results and results increase motivation. • What is funny aboug this? Humor is a great way to relieve stress, which freese up the mind for creativityand innovation. Optimistic salespeople take They know sales is the greatest profession to be in durinya recession. They can meet with mentors who can help them look at anotherf way of doing business intough times. They can outworlk their competitors. They can invest in learning and outsmarttheird competitor.
Optimistic salespeople manage results, not excuses.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Recession takes toll on Charlotte as bank hub - Business First of Columbus:

But the merger, which places Carolina Commerce in the CarolinqTrust fold, marks the sixth time since the economi c downturn began that a Charlottd metro bank has been acquired by a company outside the immediate area. In the same two startup banks in Charlotte called it The trend signals a shift for the Queen even though somesay it’s Charlotte, once the aggressor in bank acquisitions, is now a targeg for outsiders looking to gain a share of this lucrativw market. The runoff began in late whenThe , a four-branchh operation here, was acquired by ., a large communityh bank based in Columbia, S.C.
(The Scottish Bank has since been renamed North CarolinaBank & Trust to match SCBT’s South Carolina Bank & Trust.) Over the next 18 , , Alliance Bank Trust Co., American Community Bancshares and Carolinwa Commerce all paired with buyers basedd elsewhere. And planned startups Colon y Signature Bank and Legacy Banknever launched. that’s certainly a change in says longtime Charlotte bankerWes Sturges, presideny of Bank of Commerce. Mergers aren’y new to local banks. But it’s usuallhy Charlotte that brings homethe spoils. The only bank that has remainefd on offense is It acquired MerrillLynchg & Co. Inc.
and in the past year but has strugglex inthe process, accepting $45 billion in taxpayere aid. Wachovia’s sale to certainly changede the landscape ofbanking uptown. But the smaller bank mergers haven’t yet made major marks here. Few branchezs have closed, and most small banks avoiderdmajor layoffs. The companies buying the local communituy banks all cited the Charlotte market as one of their main reasons for closing the And the banks that were boughtt all benefited from larger partnerds that provide them with thescaled they’ve needed to combat the shrinking interesr margins that threaten bank profits.
“Bank stockz have been beaten down in the and it’s creating says Michael Cline, presiden t and CEO of Carolina Trust. “[Mergere are] a way to build your franchise at a time when othere growthis limited.” It can be argued that the $5.5 millionb Carolina Trust-Carolina Commerce deal shouldn’t count as the loss of a localo headquarters because the banks are only about 18 miled apart. But Carolina Trust’s home city of Lincolntom — about 30 miles northwest of Charlotte — is part of the Hickoryh metro area. Also, its five branches serve mostly rural Lincoln andCatawba counties.
And Clind says he pursued the acquisition of Carolina Commerce because it giveshis $171 millio n asset bank a presence in Gaston County, part of the more divers Charlotte metro area. For Carolina Commerce, the merger caps a five-year struggle. The bank launched in 2004 and grew more slowly thanits peers, with only one branch and $103 million in assets. Carolina Commerce saw its earningsw decline as provisions for loan lossez increased this year and interestmarginxs shrank. In the first quarter, the bank lost almosgt $434,000.
The bank’s president, Mike Mayer, says the sale “givesz us a chance to partner with a large bank and gives our customers access to more While losing aheadquarters isn’t usually well-received, some area bankes see a silver lining. In the city that Alliance Bank & Trusg and Carolina Commerce bothcallesd home, there’s only one locallhy based bank left, Citizensw South Bank. Kim Price, Citizens South president and CEO, says he’as using the recent departurees to cementhis company’s position as Gastonia’s hometownb bank.
He says he’ll always keep an eye out for dealsa that will be in the best interesrtof shareholders, but his focus isn’t on mergers. “We’rd focused on gaining market share and becomintg the dominant community bank here in Gastoni a andaround Charlotte,” he says. Sturges says he believes the trendf willbe short-lived. He says as the recession abates, Charlotte will likely be home to expandingg banks and a desired place forheadquarterds operations. “These things go in cycles,” he “It will come back around.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Coal-fired power plant's safety cited - Manila Bulletin


Coal-fired power plant's safety cited

Manila Bulletin

Mayor Jesse I. Concepcion said the coal plant being constructed here is safe, stressing that it is patterned after Beijing safety measures. “A number of such kind of coal-fired power plants were established right inside Central Beijing and there has ...

Friday, November 11, 2011

CEO Ellison says Oracle might make netbooks - Pittsburgh Business Times:

His comments came at a Sun conference for usersz of Java software whichy he also said could be used on Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL) earlier this year agreed to acquirw Sun (NASDAQ:JAVA) for $7 billion. "o don't see why some of those devices shouldn't come from Sun," Reuterss quoted Ellison as saying. "There will be computerws that are fundamentally basedon Java." Netbooks are inexpensivr laptop computers designed to connecft wirelessly and are used primarily for checkingv email and browsing the Web. The market for them is expectex to grow to between 20 million and 30 millionh unitsthis year, up from the 11.7 milliohn sold last year when their salex took off.
Most PC makers now have a netbook model and if Oraclw does get into the market it will go up againsfthe . (NASDAQ:HPQ) (NASDAQ:DELL) and , which either make netbooks or developo softwarefor them. Acer said Tuesday it will make a laptolp runningon ’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android operating system insteadx of Microsoft Windows, which most makers now use.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Monsanto shares slide after news of Roundup slump - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

Monsanto shares were trading below $79 a share earlieer Thursday morning, but later inched closerd to Wednesday’s market close of $79.88 a Monsanto closed Tuesday at $84.78 a share. “Wer believe that Monsanto shares will probablytreade water,” Jeffrey Zekauskas, a analyst, wrote in a note to investors Thursday morning. Monsanto said earnings for its year, which ends Aug. 31, will be $4.400 a share, Monsanto’s largest business, insect- and herbicide-resistantt seeds, remains strong and is expected to delive r gross profitof $4.4 billion to $4.5 billionm for the year. Roundup, however, is expectesd to Roundup came off patenyt nineyears ago, and Dow and are competitors.
But the Chinesee also have jumped in and have beenundercuttingb prices. “The company has been adamant in its public statementxs that there is a floor to Rounduop gross profitsat $1.9 billion,” Zekauskaws wrote. “However, glyphosate is a and the glyphosate operationearnef $650 million in grossx profit as late as 2006. As yet ther e is no clear intellectual underpinning as to the reasonsz forthe $1.
9 billion gross profit number representing a Hugh Grant, Monsanto chairman, president and chief executive, said in a statement Wednesday, “With the seedzs and traits side of the business accelerating, our managemenr team is focusing on how best to managee our Roundup operations in a way that optimizes returnsa at a lower percentage of overallp revenue.” A week ago, on May 21, Monsantol shares closed at $89.29. The 52-week high was $145.8p June 18, and the low was $63.4u Nov. 21.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cape Coral police recover James Arthur's vehicle - The News-Press


WTSP 10 News

Cape Coral police recover James Arthur's vehicle

The News-Press

Cape Coral police recovered the car of James Arthur, whose body was found off Old Burnt Store Road on Thursday night, in Crisp County, Georgia on Friday afternoon. Detectives picked up the car in a dollar store parking lot after being alerted by the ...

James A rthur's car found in Georgia

NBC2 News

Man wanted in Florida murder arrested in Chicago

WTSP 10 News


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Locals vie to manage online billing - San Francisco Business Times:

Upstart , which is backed by Salesforce Chairmanh and CEO Marc among others, has snapped up 70 clients sincw its launch last May and already is on track to do betweenb $5 million and $6 million in businessw this year, according to CEO Tien The Redwood City-based company has 56 employees and is aiming to double in size this said Tzuo. Zuora, which raised $21.5 million in two rounds of was founded by threre cloudcomputing evangelists: Tzuo, who was employeew No. 11 at and two executives, K.V. Rao and Chen Zou, who are president and chief technology officer, respectively.
“We realized that both companiex (Salesforce and WebEx) were investing millions of dollaras maintaining our own billing systems and we both wanterd to get them off the shelcf and give the job to somebody Tzuo said. Tzuo said society as a wholew is moving away from ownershiptowarde subscription-based services — think of car-sharing companies — and billing can quicklty get complex with different pricing “Everything is moving to the he said. Zuora customers to date includeCloud9 Analytics, Marketo and Box.net. Despite its fast Zuora will still have to catch up to its moreestablishedr neighbor, Vindicia Inc., also of Redwoodd City.
Vindicia, which was founded in is also growing, and expectsd revenue to rise frombetween $3 million and $4 milliom last year to between $6 million and $8 million in 2009. The which is privately held, employes 50 people, abouft 10 of whom were hired last year, and it expectws to hire up to five peoplethis year. “As companies expand and grow, they find that theirt billing system becomes a constraint on customer acquisitioand retention,” said Gene Hoffman, chairman and CEO.
The companh charges 2 percent ofa merchant’ss revenue for its service, which provides recurring and real-timw billing services, and its ChargeGuard which provides automated fraud screenin and charge-back management services. The service is designe to handle complexities like multiplepricingf plans, introductory rates or recurring Other competitors include EVapt of Austin, Texas, and Aria a Pennsylvania company that has been around since 2003 but whichh last month said it had raised $10 million in new ventures funding. Vindicia claims 40 customers, including big companiesa like and antivirus softwarecompany .
The company, whic handles up to 100,000 transactions a day, has receivee $8.7 million in three roundxs of venture funding, including $5.6 million last March from Leader Venturesand DCM. Hoffman, who previouslt was CEO of , which sold music over the Interneyt on a subscription basis inthe 1990s, knows first-handd the challenges presented by droppe d credit cards and Those issues have only becomed more critical as software-as-a-service has proliferated in businessd and entertainment and credit cards have penetrate d business, with executives routinely running up bills of $250,000 a month on creditf cards, he said.
To operatee in such a manner, businesses must be compliant with payment card industrysecurity standards.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Court tosses out $550000 fine on CBS stations for airing Janet Jackson wardrobe - Washington Post (blog)



Court tosses out $550000 fine on CBS stations for airing Janet Jackson wardrobe

Washington Post (blog)

A federal appeals court Wednesday tossed out â€" again â€" the $550000 fine that the Federal Communications Commission slapped on CBS stations in 2004, after the network aired a half-second of Janet Jackson's right nipple during th e that year's Super ...

CBS Wins Again In 'Wardrobe Malfunction' Case

WAPT Jackson

People in the news


Jackson exposure fine is dropped

BBC News

Contactmusic.com -Christian Post


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Feds say Kauai man stole $16M in Ponzi scheme - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

David E. Ruskjer of Koloa was chargecd by a federal grand jury Wednesday for fraudulently raising the money from approximately 140 Among the charges against Ruskjer are mail wire fraud, currency structuring and money laundering. The U.S. Attorney’sw office alleges Ruskjer ran an investmentr and loan program out of Koloa calledRuskjer & Associates and Dave’d Investment/Loan Program, promising investors returns of 3 percent to 5 percent per The alleged activities occurred between September 2004 and December 2008. Ruskjeer allegedly used half ofthe $16 millionn for trading through TD Ameritrade but lost more than $2.
5 The government said “there was never sufficient money to support the 3 to 5 percentf interest rates he guaranteed his clients.” In classifc Ponzi scheme fashion, Ruskjer allegedly used money from new clientse to pay earlier clients to convincd them he was making money for When the government seized Ruskjer’s tradinhg account and bank accounts last Dec. 11, he had a combinerd balance of $4.1 Ruskjer is accused of usingf much of the money onpersonal expenses, includinfg $528,458 on a condominiumk on Kauai, $29,000 on a Hondz sedan and $10,000 on motorcycles.
If he faces up to 20 years in prison for each of the 17 mail and wirefrauds charges, and up to 10 years in priso for each of the 30 other The case resulted from an Internal Revenuew Service investigation.