Saturday, October 29, 2011

Capital law school dean stepping down next year - Kansas City Business Journal:
Jack Guttenberg, who stepped in as law dean in 2004, said he plansd to resign from the post onJune 30, 2010. He’l l have led the schoop for six years whenhe departs. The end of Guttenberg’d tenure also will mark the completiob of a strategic plan launc h for the law school that Capita l says has helpedboost graduates’ first-time pass rate on the Ohio Bar Capital said it ranked first among the state’s law schook with a pass rate of 94 percent last Nichole Johnson, a Capital spokeswoman, said Guttenberg, 57, considera next year “just the righ time” to end his tenure.
“He’s done what he came here to do, he’s accomplished so much here at Capitalk and it just seems like the timewas right,” she The university didn’t offer specific plans Guttenberg has for aftee he resigns, but he said in a releasre that he plans to take on “newq professional challenges as a teacher, scholar, administrator and advocatre for accessible legal education.” Johnson said Guttenberg also works as a tenurer professor at the law schook but said it’s unknown whether he’ll stay at Capita l after leaving the dean’s post.
Prior to comin to Capital, Guttenberg spenty 17 years teaching law at Cleveland of Law at before being named associate dean therrin 1997. Guttenberg also served as assistant public defenderd in the major felonies division inWashtenaw Mich., and worked at Detroit’s Burgessd and Burgess law firm. Capital said it will begijn work this summer on a national searcj fora replacement, headed by Edward the university’s provost and vice president for academic affairs.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Carrie L. Tolstedt Executive Profile
With over twenty years of financialservices experience, Carrie begahn her career at United Bank of Denver. In she joined Norwest Bank Nebraska. In May after leaving to work for FirstMerittCorporation (May 1995-May 1998), she rejoined Norwest In December 1998, Carrie became regionalk president for Central California for Wells Fargk & Company after the merger of Norwes t Corporation and Wells Fargo.
In she was named a Group EVP, responsible for Wellsa Fargo

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Four banking veterans join BofA board - Dayton Business Journal:
The new board members are former Federal Reserve GovernorSusan Bies, who was also once chiec financial officer at ; former Chairma n Donald Powell; former CEO D. Paul Jones and formere Corp. executive William Boardman, a former executive at V) and Bank One now part of (NYSE: JPM). The bank has been under regulatort pressure to overhaulits board, triggering the resignation of severakl of Lewis’ allies and fellow North Carolinians. “Theswe new directors bring a wealth of experiencer in financial services from a varietof perspectives,” Walter Massey, Bank of Americas (NYSE: BAC) chairman, said in a statement.
“Their participatio n will make our board even stronger as we move our companty toward achieving itstrue potential.” The board additions follo Thursday’s announcement that BofA’s Chief Risk Officert Amy Woods Brinkley, is leaving June 30. Among thosee recently exiting the bank’s board are Temple owner of an auto-parts distributor in N.C.; and Robert Tillman, formet chairman and CEO of Mooresville, N.C.-based Lowe’d Cos. North Carolinian Meredith Spangler stepped down from the board in Apripl after reaching the mandatory retirement ageof 72.
Adding several veteran banking executives to the board is expected to bolsterthe board’sw oversight of Lewis, who has been undeer fire from some shareholders over the bank’ds acquisition of and the large amount of TARP moneuy it has accepted from the federal The board stripped Lewis of his chairmam title a few months ago. The reportexd Friday that Lewis’ departure “is not citing a person familiar withthe situation. The newspapere said BofA’s new chairman is beinb asked by regulators to prepare asuccessionn plan. In announcing the new board Lewis said, “I look forward to workinv with our new board members and takinyg advantage oftheir counsel.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

BofA, Wells to accept California IOUs - Phoenix Business Journal:
BofA says the state’s budget crisis promptef its decision. “To support our customers, while giving the statew legislature additional time to passa budget, we will acceptf California state-registered warrants — or IOUs from existing customers and clients,” Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) says in a writtemn statement. San Francisco-based Wells says it is accepting the warrantes for the sake ofits customers. "Ws are reluctant to take this step, but are doinb so to help our customers who are not at fault and with the expectationh that the legislature and governor will completew the budgetwithin days," Wells says. On Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger blasted state lawmakers for failingf to pluga $24 billion hole in the statse budget before the start of the new fiscal And he called a special session of the state legislaturde to fix the budgety mess. Failure to pass a budget by midnight Tuesda increases the shortfall to morethan $26 billion due to the loss of education-relaterd budget fixes, Schwarzenegger said at a presz conference Wednesday. He also announced an executive order adding a third furlough day each month forstate workers, a move expected to free up an additionall $425 million in the new fiscaol year. Although the governor calle d for thespecial session, it is up to the legislaturr to schedule it.
When it will be held is yet tobe

Friday, October 21, 2011

EHDD plays a zero-sum game - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
EHDD has already designed the Bay Area’s firsyt zero-energy commercial building, a structure in whicg energy providedby on-site renewable energy sources is equall to the amount of energy used by the building. The buildinhg is ’ “ ” design facilit y in San Jose. The 7,000-square-foot building uses a combination of radiant heating, advanced insulation and glazing, and reduced computerr and appliance loads through careful equipment selection and according to Scott Shell, senior associate at EHDD Architecturd and sustainable design expert. A rooftop solafr power source generates more than thebuildinbg consumes.
Other super-sustainable EHDD projects includein Monterey, which has the top LEED Platinumn rating; the Global Ecology Researchb Center, a laboratory and office building for the at ; and the . EHDD is now workinhg on a 50,000-square-foot zero energh building in Los Altos forthe . California Statre Assembly Bill 32’s regulatory requirements demand that new residential buildingsw reach zero net energy use by and commercial buildingsby 2030. “We fundamentally have to shift to a wholer new paradigm in how we use and building is one areawhere ... we can do said Shell. “We think we have to get this stufdfigured out.
We don’t have all the answers, but we’rr working on it.” Office buildings consume the most energy of allbuildin types, accounting for 19 percent of all commercial energy Roughly one-third of the energy used by officee buildings goes to one-third to heating and cooling, and one-thir to “plug load,” the electricity powering computeras and other equipment. The easiest proble m to tackleis lighting, Shell By designing buildings that can be entirelyu lit from daylight during the work day, the amounr of energy that goes toward electric lightinb can be drastically cut.
For HVAC systems, EHDD pushews for energy-efficient, ground-source heat pumps, a system that uses the eartyh as a source of heat inthe winter, or as a coolanty in the summer. Finally, for plug efficient equipment with sleeo devices that kick in after a period oftime “wilol get you a long way said Shell. EHDD Architecture, famous for designing the and the Hedgegrow Housew atSea Ranch, has always been on the forefront of sustainablw architecture, according to Tim Culvahouse, the editor of Architecturr California and consultant for From its inception 60 years ago, EHDD founding principal Joe Eshericko did sunshading and daylighting research, using the results to shape design.
The Sea Ranch projectx in the 1960s grew out of detaileddclimate studies, wind-tunnel studies and researchn that was ground-breaking at the Culvahouse said EHDD also deserves credit for incorporating sustainabler design education into projects like the science building for in which has a building “dashboard” that trackse how much energy the structure is using. Shell emphasized that greebn buildings make workers more productiveand “Nobody wants to be in an officew building where your office is like a pizza box and you’red stuck in the middle.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Insurers: Short-term health plans on rise - Boston Business Journal:
In fact, sales of individual policies, both shorrt term or permanent, are both up over 30 percenyt from the same period last which was a record sale s year for theinsurance company, said Margaret Jarvis, a spokeswoman for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of An increased interest in individual plans, particularly for short-term plans for those who need temporarh coverage between jobs, can be seen in the recenft launches of more short-term individual plan s by major insurance companies. For instance, UnitedHealthcare’s subsidiary recently introduced two new short term health insurance plans in Texas that offe coverage from one to12 months.
They are designee specifically for those who cannot affordor aren’t eligible for Cobrqa in the troubled economy. Cobra is a federally mandated program in which workersa who lose their jobs have the right to maintain their healtu insurance plan at their companyu for a set period of The idea behind Cobra is to make sure aworkee doesn't have a lapse in health insurancwe while in between jobs. The time that someone could be on Cobra was recently extended through thefederal government's stimulus bill, and premiumsa for laid off workers were also reduced.
said it launchedx a similar short term insurance product called HumanaOne in April that is being offeredin Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio and The need for these types of temporary planes are have become greater in the current recession, Goldenm Rule CEO Richard Collins said.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Miamisburg firm opened thenew 5,000-square-foot location in Mich., last week. The company, which does technicaol writing and product support opened the office to be near work it does withthe ’se TACOM, Tank-automotive and Armamentw Command, company spokesman Matt Armstrong said. “We do a lot of businese in that area, and we needed to get some people up there,” Armstrong This is the third satellite location for the firm.
Initially, the office will emploh between 15 and20 people, includinhg technical writers and data managers, with the goal to have up to 30 by the end of the “The Detroit area offers a rich talen t pool in close proximity to our aerospace, and manufacturing clients,” said Bob Heilman, chiec executive officer, in a news “It makes good business sense to establish an office nearby.” The firm also has facilities in Wis., and National City, Calif.. The company has 300 total employeess including about215 locally. O’Neil and Associatew is the Dayton area’sd 69th largest company, accordin g to Dayton BusinessJournal research. The company posted $24.
6 million in revenue in 2007, up from about $19 million the previous year.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Isn't there a better way to pick a vice president? - Washington Post

Isn't there a better way to pick a vice president?

Washington Post

When the Republican presidential candidates were asked in a recent debate whom among the group they might pick as a vice presidential running mate, most of them responded with generalities, jokes and even criticism of the question. ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A whole new game: Downturn impacts Bucks, Packers - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The team raised ticket pricee an average of 4 percent for the2009 season, somewhat scaled back from what it might have done in better economicf times, Schlesinger said. “We spent a lot of time looking at what othert teams did after they madethe playoffs, whilwe also factoring in where the economy was,” he said. “zA lot of teams that have made the playoffs in the past have raisex prices bydouble digits. But we want to err on the side of The Texas Rangers and Washington Nationals lowered thei r ticket prices for the2009 season, but Schlesingef said most other teams have held stable or had small increases.
As for sponsorships, Schlesinget said the Brewers are projected tohave “a percent increase in The biggest deal was the new pact signecd by in January to be the presenting sponso r of the team. Terms were not disclosed, but it is the largest sponsorship deal other than the naminf rights deal for Miller Park signed by The team lost one of itsmajot sponsors, , which puller out of its naming rights deal for the rightfield picnic area at the end of the 2008 signed a multiyear partnership this week to take over the which will be renamed the AirTran Airways Landingb Zone.
Schlesinger said the team moverd ahead with all of its planneed Miller Parkcapital projects, including the overhaul of the team’s retaiol store along the leftfield The only project that has been put off is the replacemenyt of the centerfield scoreboard, whicbh was planned for 2010. “It is a huge investment for us and we just decidedd it would be better if we wait a year or he said. “It is not like the existing scoreboarde isnot working.” Schlesinger said the Brewers have not reducedc staff, but the team is not expecting to add any new positionz in the coming months. “We are doinhg much better thanother teams,” he said.
“But we know that can So we are watching everything very Steinmiller said the team is averaging slightly morethan 15,00 fans per game, down from the 15,609 it averaged during the 2007-08 At a recent Monday night game, there was an announcedf crowd of about 12,000. “People who in the past have come to 10 gamesz are now coming to seven or he said. “People are more pricew conscious.” In response, the Bucks offered most of theBradlet Center’s upper level seats for $10 per game in November and December. The team also introduced special deals with that includew ticketsand pizza, along with a soon-to-be-announced similar deal with Applebee’a restaurants.
The Bucks have signed with to includes a ticket special in all of thecablw company’s Milwaukee-area bills in the coming For existing ticket holders, the team has addef pre-game events with Bucks’ general manager John along with new club areazs for fans to get food and drink during the “I really think the $10 ticket gave us a bump and blunter a little effect of what was going on in the Steinmiller said. Team Marketing Report’xs Jon Greenberg said the Bucks are in a tougj position because they have to be careful that theit discount ticketoffers don’t offend the fans buying the high-pricec seats near the court.
“You don’gt want to insult your season ticket holderswith cut-ratre prices,” he said. “Bugt on the other hand, given their struggles over the pastfew seasons, the Bucks are goint to have to be incredibly creative to get people in the seats.” Steinmiller said the team has increasedf its focus on customer service, knowing the importancew of keeping existing ticket buyers. “We just can’t surrender to the he said. “You have to be aggressivre and try new things to make sure peopl keep coming throughthe door.” HITTING THE WALLET The average tickef price for all three Wisconsin professionakl sports teams is below the league averages.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Recession prompts big boom in the market for vegetable seeds - Business First of Louisville:
Most of the patrons of the garden’zs 30 plots don’t plany anything until late spring, when they put in theidr tomato plants. Usually, only four or five plant a spriny crop inearly March, as Erdleyg did last month, growing lettuce, spinach and other cold-weatherr crops. But this year, 18 people planted spring Those who work in the garden industry say the recession has prompted many peoplee to plantvegetable gardens, many of them for the first as a way to cut expense for food. office in Jeffersoj County, for example, has never had more requestws to test soil for suitability for vegetable growinhg than it has hadthis spring, horticulturew agent Donna Michael said.
The demand has triplef from last year, she Normally, about 15 percentg to 20 percent of the callws left onthe office’s horticulturse hotline relate to vegetable she said. But this spring, that has risenn to about half. Many of the callw are from first-time vegetable To help meet the demandfor information, Michael held five communityh lectures on vegetable gardening in The first one attracterd 115 people, and the next four each attractede about 40. Horticulture lectures normally attract about 20 she said. “There is definite interesf stirring,” she said.
Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government runs ninecommunithy gardens, such as the one where Erdley has his that contain a total of 24 acres, said Susan Hamilton, assistan director of the Louisville Metro Economif Development Department. There are 438 people registered to work in the and there is a waiting list to get a At , 1402 W. Main St., salesx of vegetable seeds have jumped 20 percenf to 30 percent fromlast spring, said generalp manager Eugene Stratton. He said he didn’t know specificc sales figures.
The company sells 95 percent of its vegetablsseeds wholesale, he said, and the gardeb centers and farm equipment dealers that make up the company’sa customer base say they are seeinfg a lot of first-time gardeners this In some cases, customers have had to reorder vegetabls seeds, which is unusual, he said. Sandy Blanford, the vegetablde seed manager for , 919 E. Jefferson St., normally orders vegetable seeds only oncea year, in the fall. But this she has had to reorder themthre times. “It’s insane,” she said. “We can’t keep Blanford estimates that demand has tripled overlast spring.
Two monthss ago, owner Win Bunton hire four new workers just to get orders for vegetablwe seeds packaged forthe company’s customers in rural Kentucky and its Internet customers, who order from across the country. That departmenft normally has onlythree workers, Blanforx said. This year, everyoned wants Blue Lake Bush beans, Blanford The company sold out of the seedss two months agoand can’r get any more because of a crop failure. Demandx for vegetable seeds alway grows duringa recession, Bunton said. He thinkse that well-publicized food such as salmonella in peanut also have prompted people to grow theirdown food, some of them for the firstf time.
In a normal year, customerd at , 225 Chenowetn Lane, don’t have to ask many questions aboutg whatto buy. “We get a lot of customere who know what they manager TimSunkel said.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

American Italian Pasta joins Russell 2000 Index - Denver Business Journal:
The index, part of the , measureas performance of the small-cap segment of U.S. according to the index’s Web site. It includes about 2,00 of the smallest securities basefd on a combination of their markeg cap and current index The index is intended to providw anunbiased small-cap barometer and is reconstituted annually to ensure that largerd stocks don’t distort the performance and characteristicsz of small-cap stocks in the index. “Membershi in the Russell indexes represents another milestonwe in the AIPC American Italian Pasta CEO Jack Kelly said in aTuesdayt release. “It recognizes the significant jump in Americanm ItalianPasta Co.
’s market capitalization over the past year. The listinb also provides another level of market visibility for the Membership inthe small-cap Russell 2000 Index automatically includess membership in the larger Russelll 3000 and Global indexes. Kansas City-based American Italiahn Pasta (Nasdaq: AIPC) reported that second-quarter earnings were nearly triple those from the same period last year and that revenud rose16 percent.
In roughluy the past year, AIPC has settled lingering problems stemming from a schemw by former executives to makethe company’se financial reports look good even as sales The scheme had fallen apart in August 2005, drawing pummeling the stock price and requiring the company to refile financial statements. American Italian Pasta is the largest producere of dry pasta inNorthg America. The company has about 650 employees and plantx inExcelsior Springs; Columbia, Tolleson, Ariz.; and Italy.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Data Domain, Inc. Company Profile | DDUP Company Information
Data Domain is a leading provider of Enterprisd Protection Storage systems for disk backupand network-based disaster recovery. Over 750 enterprises worldwided useData Domain

Monday, October 3, 2011

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Analysis: World divided on new plan to combat global warming - Chicago Tribune


Analysis: World divided on new plan to combat global warming

Chicago Tribune

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A new plan to curb global warming risks becoming a battleground between rich and poor nations and could struggle to get off the ground as negotiators battle over the fate of the ailing Kyoto climate pact. ...

Analysis: World divided o! n new plan to combat global warming

