EHDD has already designed the Bay Area’s firsyt zero-energy commercial building, a structure in whicg energy providedby on-site renewable energy sources is equall to the amount of energy used by the building. The buildinhg is ’ “ ” design facilit y in San Jose. The 7,000-square-foot building uses a combination of radiant heating, advanced insulation and glazing, and reduced computerr and appliance loads through careful equipment selection and according to Scott Shell, senior associate at EHDD Architecturd and sustainable design expert. A rooftop solafr power source generates more than thebuildinbg consumes.
Other super-sustainable EHDD projects includein Monterey, which has the top LEED Platinumn rating; the Global Ecology Researchb Center, a laboratory and office building for the at ; and the . EHDD is now workinhg on a 50,000-square-foot zero energh building in Los Altos forthe . California Statre Assembly Bill 32’s regulatory requirements demand that new residential buildingsw reach zero net energy use by and commercial buildingsby 2030. “We fundamentally have to shift to a wholer new paradigm in how we use and building is one areawhere ... we can do said Shell. “We think we have to get this stufdfigured out.
We don’t have all the answers, but we’rr working on it.” Office buildings consume the most energy of allbuildin types, accounting for 19 percent of all commercial energy Roughly one-third of the energy used by officee buildings goes to one-third to heating and cooling, and one-thir to “plug load,” the electricity powering computeras and other equipment. The easiest proble m to tackleis lighting, Shell By designing buildings that can be entirelyu lit from daylight during the work day, the amounr of energy that goes toward electric lightinb can be drastically cut.
For HVAC systems, EHDD pushews for energy-efficient, ground-source heat pumps, a system that uses the eartyh as a source of heat inthe winter, or as a coolanty in the summer. Finally, for plug efficient equipment with sleeo devices that kick in after a period oftime “wilol get you a long way said Shell. EHDD Architecture, famous for designing the and the Hedgegrow Housew atSea Ranch, has always been on the forefront of sustainablw architecture, according to Tim Culvahouse, the editor of Architecturr California and consultant for From its inception 60 years ago, EHDD founding principal Joe Eshericko did sunshading and daylighting research, using the results to shape design.
The Sea Ranch projectx in the 1960s grew out of detaileddclimate studies, wind-tunnel studies and researchn that was ground-breaking at the Culvahouse said EHDD also deserves credit for incorporating sustainabler design education into projects like the science building for in which has a building “dashboard” that trackse how much energy the structure is using. Shell emphasized that greebn buildings make workers more productiveand “Nobody wants to be in an officew building where your office is like a pizza box and you’red stuck in the middle.
Friday, October 21, 2011
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