Thursday, December 30, 2010

New rules may protect appraisers, but drive up buyers
Federal regulations aimed at puttingt more distance between mortgage brokersw and home appraisers require lenders touse “appraisal managemenft companies” to order appraisals. The idea is to prevent brokers from pressurinfg appraisers to hitcertainb values. However, some say the new rules also are pushingg up the price and length of time for The new rules went into effectg May 1 as part ofthe “Home Valuation Code of Conduct” whicy keeps mortgage brokers from hand picking appraisers. In fact, the two are not allowefd to communicateat all. Only banks that show they select appraisers through a strict rotation system can contactappraisers directly.
Nashville’ss uses a Web-based appraisal management company and can only communicats with an assigned appraiser by posting a question onthe Web, says Ross senior vice president of mortgage lending. Kinney says the additionalo steps have pushed up the cost of appraisals by 6 percent to 10 percent for the companythey use. Otherxs are even higher. “It’d a substantial difference in the way mortgagesare I’m sure that will brint more independence, which is a good Kinney says. “But I’m not sure how it is gointg to affecthome buyers.
If they are non-experienced or out-of-markert appraisers, it will be interesting to see how that plays Appraiser Danny Wylie of in Nashville sayshe won’rt deal with most appraisal management companies because they take a high percentage of his fee. He charges $400 to $450 as an experiencerd appraiser, but management firms often want to hire himfor $275 or Wylie says he’s considered settin up his own management company, but he says he wouldx have to hire less experienced appraisers to make it work Despite the challenges, Wylie thinks the changex are better for borrowers. He says he lost business becauseshe wouldn’t lie on an appraisal. That bank never callef him again.
“One of the problems has been that unscrupulous brokeras could pick unscrupulous appraisers who would pick whatever valuewas needed,” he The new regulations also set up a whistleblower hotlinre for those suspecting such activity. Under the new appraisals take longer because the market is more compled and the rules requiremore data, Wyli e says. Lenders want information on absorptionm rates, supply and economic conditions, he says.
One local company, , has seen a surge of business from the The family-owned business in Franklin is primarily a mortgage complianc e business, which means it checks loans for A few years ago, the companuy developed a database on appraisers, with informatiob such as credentials, how many appraisals they’v done and if they’ve ever been involved in a high-risk loan. With the new requirements, the appraisal management side ofQualituy Mortgage’s business has balloone — up 500 perceng since last year, says executiv e vice president Tommy Duncan.
Duncan’s phone startesd ringing in March and April with lenders lookintg for appraisalmanagement He’s hired three people in the past three monthsw and is looking to expand to a larger space. He’sx already had to turn down two lenderss on the West Coast becausehe couldn’gt handle the volume of work they had. Duncan says he chargesz about 25 percent to 35 percent of the appraisapl fee for themanagement services, adding that some management firms charge as much as Appraisal prices depend on the city and can range from $350 to Duncan supports the conduct code.
He, too, has been cut off in the past by a lenderfwho didn’t like one of his “My job is to rotatde appraisals among credentialed appraisers without any discrimination or favoritism,” he The conduct code “is probably a positive step to mend some of the problemsd that are already out there, but I’ not saying its a cure Part of the new regulationx is that anyone who makes moneyu off a real estate deal can’t speakk to the appraiser. Dianne Payne, regional productiomn manager for the mortgage divisionof Memphis-based , says her bank has been usingh a rotation system to selectf appraisers for a year and half, instead of an appraisa l management firm.
It eliminates any favoritism, as agentd can no longer request specific she says. “It’s a more level playingg field,” she says.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Polsinelli Shughart law firm moving to LoDo - San Antonio Business Journal:
The firm confirmed Friday that its locall office is relocating to the newlyt built 1515 Wynkoop office building on Wynkoop Street in Lowe rDowntown Denver. The Kansas City-based firm’s Denver brancg currently is locatedin downtown’s Independencw Plaza at 1050 17th St. The firm’s Denver officee has leased roughly 38,000 square feet of space at itsnew location, with an option to grow. The move is plannedd for September 2009.
“Wew are pleased to relocate our attorneys and staff to a part of downtowm that represents the growth and vitalittyof Denver, enabling the expansiob of our firm’s practice and presence here,” Stevw Long, founder and managing partner of Polsinelli Shughart’ Denver office, said in a statement “We are committed to remaininv in downtown Denver, as it allows us to be immersede in the business and civic and provides our attorneys with a vibrant placee to work,” Long added.
The firm said that its new space is expectede to qualify forLEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certificatiomn for energy savings and environmentally friendly based on its use of sustainabled materials and energy-efficient lighting, heating, coolin g and office equipment. LEED is the U.S. Greenb Building Council’s designation for energy-efficient, sustainabls design. Polsinelli Shughart was created in February by the mergerd of Kansas City law firme ShughartThomson & Kilrohy PC and Polsinelli Shalton Flanigan Suelthausw PC. The leases of several major law firms, either based in metro Denver or withlocal branches, are expiring this year.
While some firms are renewintg leases where theyalreadhy are, others are relocating. LLP, Colorado’s larges law firm, plans to move its southeast suburbanm office in August tothe “green” Village Center Station project now under The branch currently is located at 8390 E. Crescenrt Parkway in the DenverTech Center. Hollane & Hart’s headquarters office remains at 555 17th Streetf indowntown Denver. Earlier this year, LLP relocatecd to the new 1400 Wewatta office building in LoDo from OneTabor Center. Meanwhile, LLC recently renewed its 56,000-square-footy lease on the top three floors of One Tabord Center for 11more years.
The law firm was the firs tenant to commit to the which openedin 1985. Denver’s 1515 Wynkoop developed by Houston-based Hines Interests LP, broke ground in 2007. The eight-story office building with retail spacee was completedthis spring. Other tenants in the new whichis pre-certified for LEED Silve designation, include the Van Gilder Insurance Corp.’s headquarters.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Georgian Bank leadership changes part of strategy shift - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Late Thursday, founder, chairman and CEO Gordom Teel by consultant John Poelker as CEO, and two existiny board members as chairman of the bank and holdingg company. Poelker, a four-decade industryh veteran, is a former chier financial officer ofand "Ww needed to make some changes in focusing the bank's attention," Poelketr said early Friday as Georgian Bank's newly minted CEO. The changs was a surprise to many in the industry forthe $2.7 billion in assets, Cumberland-based bank. Teel had served as CEO since his investorgroup — backed by $50 milliobn — took over Georgian in 2003, and quickly made it one of the city'x fastest growing banks.
Poelket said the move stemmed froma "continuing between Teel and the bank'z board in recent weeks. The conversations, Poelker said, centerec on what skills would be needed as the bank transitioned from growtyh to coping with the issues every bank in metrol Atlantais fighting: Depressed earnings, rising crediy problems, tougher-to-find customer deposits and the need to rais additional capital. Since news broke late Thursdauy that Teel would not longer be in charge of the speculation has swirled that his departurer is related to the results of a Federalk DepositInsurance Corp. exam earliet this year.
In recent months, Atlanta-area bankws have received cease-and-desist orders from the regulators, often aftedr a completed oversight exam. A strong, formall censure, such orders often mandate banksz must raiseadditional capital, overhaul internakl processes and, in some cases, change management to satisfy regulatorsd and avoid seizure. Polker flatly, and denied there was any connectionbetween Georgian'x management change and the bank's regulatory He said the bank has had several meetings in recent weekd with FDIC examiners about the resultsx of the exam conducted earlier this and described both sides as "very much on the same about the bank's overall Poelker said Teel participatec in those meetings as recently as June 29, and theres were no discussions from either the regulators or the bank abourt mandated management change.
The regulators and Georgian Bank directore have a July 21 meetingv scheduled to discussthe exam. Poelker said the leadership changez won't extend beyond the chairman andCEO Poelker, who's worked as a consultant with the bank sincd 2005 and been a full-time consultant sincw 2008, said he believes the bank has a soli d management team in place. "I'm intimately familiar with thismanagementr team," he said. "And I think we have a good managementg teamin place." While Georgian, with $2.7 billion in is one of the city's largest banks and a dominany real estate lender, he said the bank has a good handlwe on current credit problems.
Until the end of fourthg quarter 2008 and firstquarter 2009, Georgian reported one of the lowest problem loan ratios in the despite having one of the largestg real estate construction loan portfolios. As otherse reported skyrocketingloan problems, Georgian's credift issues remained relatively minor throughout 2007 and 2008. Poelker said he thinkse the bank has a good handld on its outstandingcredit issues, and is continuing to work with But he said he could not predict what mighty arise in the next six months, noting that the continuingy economic and home-buying slumpo has sunk what he considers traditionally strong "That's the $64,000 question for every banker," he said.
Poelkere said the bank will continue working througjh itsproblem assets, and is continuin to seek $25 million in investor a process started by Teel earlier this The money, Poelker will be easier to raise now that the FDIC exam is largelh completed and Georgian can tell investor s where the bank is "You won't see a lot of changwe from what we're doing rightf now," he said. "But you will see an intensifiee focus.
We'll keep doing what we'rde doing, but with a new focus and

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Arena Charges On - Motley Fool

Everything Gold (blog)

Arena Charges On

Motley Fool

It seems Fool readers were a little more optimistic about the timing of Arena Pharmaceuticals' (Nasdaq: ARNA) resubmission ...

Arena F »

Monday, December 20, 2010

Shippers: What recession? - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Ltd.’s unveiling of a remotely automated port in South Korea, and its plan to buildr three new terminals, including a $208 million terminal at Dames Point, reflecf the company’s aggressive mentality in spite of the recession, said Roy senior director of trade development and global marketingv for the . That and Mitsuio O.S.K. Lines Ltd.’s own plans for expansion show confidencer inthe industry’s upturn and cementes their current and future operationxs in Jacksonville. Hanjin’s “attitude is, ‘We’fd be foolish not to push things forwarcd and getthings ” Schleicher said.
“We thought they mighy want to slowthings down, but instead they want to push forwarde faster.” Hanjin’s revenue has fared better than ’s, with nearlu 30 percent growth to abouyt $8 billion in fiscal year 2008, comparex with the same perios a year ago. Despite a drop in cargo volume, the sixth-largesr shipping company’s profits grew by more than 60 perceng toabout $198 million within the same period. But the internationa slump caught up with the company in the firsr quarterof 2009, when it reported a $191 milliomn net loss, according to the Journal of Commerce.
In the company pushed back some of its ordersfor Mitsui, which is the 15th-largest international shipping company, posted a $1.3 billion profit in fiscapl 2008, down nearly 32 percent. It blamex the decline in profits on the internationakltrade slump, high fuel prices and a strong yen. The company’se revenue declined by about 4.1 percent to $18.76 billion. Hanjin is opening a terminapl in Spain in 2010 and another in Vietnam with Mitsuiin 2011. With the opening of its terminao in Jacksonville in Hanjin will have five terminals in South Korea andeightf abroad.
Hanjin plans to expan its vessel capacity fromabout 375,000 twenty-foo equivalent units, or TEUs, to about 575,00 0 TEUs within the next few years, said William Rooney, managing director of the company’sw American headquarters. Similarly, Mitsui, the parent company of the Damee Point terminaloperator , is looking to spen millions of dollars to buy an overseas bulk shippin line. The slump has lowered the valuation ofpotentiapl acquisitions. The Japanese company plans to increas its fleet ofbulk carriers, tankers and car carriera by 6.5 percent to 740 ships by the end of this fiscalo year. Mitsui plans also to open a new terminalin Netherlands, in late 2013.
In Jacksonville, the company has added three services, bringing two weekly services that open Jacksonvillew to new Asian markets and strengtheninfg Europeancontainer service. Mitsui’s service calls on Busan and therew will likely be an increase in traded between Jacksonville and Soutuh Korea when Hanjinbegins service, Schleicher said. Southg Korea is a large exporter of consumef electronics and a strong importedr ofconsumer goods, lumbee and citrus. Schleicher said he was impressed with Hanjin’s technological capability after attending the openingf of its Busan terminapl May 21 with Rick Ferrin, the authority’sw executive director.
The terminal givews a glimpse of how the remoteluy automated terminal planned in Jacksonvillewill operate. “I’vee never seen a terminal business as sophisticated asthis one,” Schleicherf said. The Busan terminal can handlde up to 2 million TEUs compared with the planned Jacksonville terminal that can handlsabout 800,000 TEUs annually. The Jacksonville terminal will be similar in that it will alsouse rail-mounter gantry cranes to transport containers betweeh the yard and the ship, Rooney The crane travels on rails and is controlled remotelt by an operator. The terminal at Dames Pointr will have 12 to15 rail-mounted gantry cranes.
One operator can handle about threre cranes ata time. Rooney said that the containerse will be kept in a yard with sensorsz that will shut it down if they detectthuman motion. He said the compangy hadn’t decided the exact productivity rate Hanjin expects from theJacksonvillew terminal, but it aimed for world-claszs productivity levels, which is about 40 container movesx per hour per crane, Rooney Hanjin is expected to meet with the ’s Locakl 1593 and 1408 in June or July.
Jess Babich, presidentt of ILA Clerks & Checkeras Local 1593, said his union and ILA Locall 1408 are negotiating with the compant on positions that Hanjin wantws its employees to handle but the unionh says it canhandle instead. The union’s two gangds averaged about 33 moves per hour per cran e when they unloaded a ship at the TraPa c terminalMay 23. That is one move away from the company’ s goal, which needs to be met befor e TraPac will allow the union to expandits gangs, Babichu said. TraPac was not available to confirm the rate of The agreement between TraPac and the union comew after the terminal operatodr threatened to leave ifproductivity didn’f improve.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Todorovich Joins Lockton as Vice President
(Photo: With more than 11 years of experiences in theinsurance industry, Todorovich's expertise includes mergerse & acquisitions and executive risk. He has extensive experience in theprivatde equity, manufacturing and services industries. Priorf to joining Lockton in May of Todorovich spent four yearswith Aon's Financia l Services practice, three years in Aon's Trade Crediy and Political Risk group, and the most recent four year s as an Aon Producer. "Attractinvg someone with Mike's talent speaks to our growth, momentujm and Mike's strong ambitions in our business," says , President and CEO of Lockton St. "We are thrilled to have Mike on theLockton team.
" Todorovich graduated from Rollins Colleged with a bachelor's degree in Economics and subsequently earnes an MBA in Finance from Loyola Graduate School of He lives in St. Louiss with his wife and two daughters. You can reacn Todorovich at 1-314-812-3137 or is the largest privately owned, global insurancr broker and employs morethan 3,800 people. Locktom delivers services throughout the world to businesses ofall sizes, as well as individual clients. It was foundedf by in Kansas City, USA, in 1966 and from a modest, home-based insurance has become For more information on Lockton and its insurance and employeebenefits services, please visift .

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

D.C. Mayor taps Valerie Santos as deputy mayor - Washington Business Journal:
Santos, as chief operating officer under has been closely involvedin decision-making on many of the real estatew deals Albert managed, including major city projecta such as Poplar Point. Albert began his new job as city administratotron Monday, replacing Dan Tangherlini, who is takinfg a job in the Obama "In Ms. Santos, we not only have a steady hand who knowthe job, we have someone who is a consummatse professional who will bring private-sector talents to get the job done,” Fenth said.
Santos was previously a vice presideny at commercial real estate services firm and a managertwith 's real estate She holds both an MBA and master'z of public policy from the Kennedh School of Government at . Santose has displayed a no-nonsense approach appearing as Albert’ds stand-in to testify at D.C. Council meetings and in publixc forums representing the city when he was She is already getting her feet wet in dealintg with the political aspects ofthe job. On when the D.C.
Council was busy squarinyg away final details of budgetimplementatio legislation, Santos and Albert’s other top Director of Development David Jannarone, movede around the Wilson Building seeking changes from council members. Santozs apparently was not Fenty’s initial choice to be deputh mayor. Greg O’Dell, Washington Conventioj Center Authority CEO and a former staff membedr of thedeputy mayor’s office, had been considered a top candidatew to replace Albert, but a source clos e to O'Dell says he was offererd the job and turned it O’Dell would not confirj that, but indicated he wouldx remain in his current post, where he is now taskee with seeking public financing for all of a $550 millionj convention center hotel.
“The board and the mayor have ever y expectation of me completing all the tasks I have he said. Fenty would not say whether he had offeref the jobto O’Dell or anyone else beford Santos. He announced the pick outside the Walker JonesElementary School, whicyh is being rebuilt as part of a new Northwest One and said she was “thee first person who has risen to the deputy mayor’ds position from within the ranks.” “I think it’s a greaf sign for the D.C.
government that not only does Valerise Santos have amazing experience in the privatr sector butthat she’s been hard at work serving the people of the Districtg of Columbia for the last two the mayor said. He said Santos sharec the vision that he and Alberg had for how economic development in the city shoul dbe run, not by owningb or overly managing projects but by allowinf the private sector to bring ideas to the “We should try to just facilitate We’ve got the greatest business community in the world here in D.C. We don’gt need to try to replicate what they’rew doing. We don’t need an emphasis on ownin g or building inthe D.C. government.
We need to And to do so, we need to hire the best and the brightes tand we’ve done Santos, 36, who lives in Columbia Heights, was working for Jonesa Lang LaSalle as a consultantt to the city when Albert -- whom she calledc a mentor -- recruited her to work for him. She is believede to be the first womah to serve in the rolefor D.C. and will manags 65 employees and as well as oversede the Officeof Planning, Departmeny of Housing and Communityy Development, the Office of Property Management and the Washingtonm D.C. Economic Partnership, a contractor.
“In the coming weeksw my goal is to ensure a smooth which I expect will berelatively easy, becausd I am very fortunate to manage a very talented and skilledd team,” she said. She said she woulfd continue to move projects all over the with a particular focus on thosew east of theAnacostia River, such as the planner redevelopment of St. Elizabeths Hospital in Southeast D.C. “Ww will continue to focus on implementingMayor Fenty’s vision for economid development. In the context of the currentteconomic climate, we will focus on business attractionh and retention efforts, and in continuinvg to provide tools to allow our locak business and not-for-profits to she said.
A member of the D.C. Council who regularly butts headswith Albert, Councilmanb Kwame Brown, D-at large and chair of the economic developmenty committee, issued a press release during the announcement saying he was disappointes he was not invited but saying Santoz “has the experience and the operational for the job and that her appointment was “an opportunity to forge a new relationshil between the Council and the executive to creates jobs for District residents, new opportunitiea for local businesses, more affordable housing and to efficientlg move projects to completion.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Maderis stepping down from Five Prime - Denver Business Journal:
The company has hiref Julia Gregory, the former executive vice presidentf and chief financial officerat , as Maderis’ replacement. Maderis’ healtbh condition was not disclosed, but she will continue to serve onFive Prime’s boared of directors and as a consultant. Her final day on the job is June 18. “Gail’ s leadership has been pivotal in the progress Five Primr has made in developing our pipelinre and our newdiscovery platform,” said companty founder and executive chairman Dr. Lewise “Rusty” Williams in a presas release.
Maderis said the company had been lookinbg for a replacement since late last year after doctorsasaid "the 24/7 pace of a small-company CEO" coulds worsen her condition. Besides her duties at Five Maderis has been a cheerleader for the MissioBay enclave, serving on the Mayor’s . Five a privately held, 7-year-old company developing antibody and protein drugs for cancert andother diseases, was the first to locate in Mission Bay, taking about 30,000 feet in the building on Owens Earlier this year, it took an additional 5,00p square feet next door at 1700 Owens as it makes batches for its Phasee I oncology drug program.
The timiny of the executive changs as Five Prime movesa forward with its lead cancer programmakes Gregory’s appointmenr a crucial one. At Lexicon, Gregory was responsiblre for financing strategies, mergers and acquisitions, business operation and all financial managementand accounting. She raises about $1 billion in public and private equity, product developmeny financing andother transactions. Gregory, who will join Five Prime’zs board, was an investment banker for more than20 years. At and Read & Co. Inc. she was head of healthcarer andinvestment banking, leading several privatd and public equity deals as well as mergeres and acquisitions.
Gregory also is a member of the boare of The andthe ’s .

Friday, December 10, 2010

India objects to TSA pat-down of ambassador - Los Angeles Times

India objects to TSA pat-down of ambassador

Los Angeles Times

Clinton expresses concern; witnesses say the envoy was singled out because she wore a sari. Associated Press â€" Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton ...

and more »

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Training to aid ABQ hospitality workers - Dayton Business Journal:
If not, then the Albuquerqu e Convention and Visitors Bureau wants to change So it’s rolling out an updated version of Albuquerque Concierg e Excellence, or ACE, training. The program was developec in partnership with Central New Mexico Community College and the CNM WorkforceTraining Center. The traininbg push kicks off June 24from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Hiltonb Albuquerque Hotel. Bob executive director of the Economic Forum and chairmamn of the Hospitality TrainingAdvisory Committee, will introducew the ACE program and customer service exper t Ann Rhoades will discuss the valuw of top-notch service. Rhoades developed programz for , , P.F.
Doubletree Hotels and Her talk will focuse on making Albuquerque anoutstanding customer-orienteed destination. Training for front-line employeex was a key part of theDestination Masterplan, createfd by the hospitality industry as a blueprint for developing Albuquerquer as a destination. Previous ACE training took place fouryears ago, said Tania Armenta, vice president of tourisnm and communications at the Albuquerque Conventiobn and Visitors Bureau. This time around, the traininy is as much about destination awareness ascustomerd service, Armenta said. The three-hour course will be offered once a monthh at different times and locations over thenext year.
Attendeesz will get a quick referencew guide on Albuquerque to answer visitor questionsw and a pass that offers admissio n to at least 17 different attractions so theyhave first-hansd knowledge of what’s available. Albuquerqu e is in a competitive environment forluring travelers, Arments said. “Ensuring that Albuquerque offers top-notch customed service, along with destination helps to differentiate us fromother destinations,” she Elise Rogers, vice president of development with the said the course will outline three pillars of why peoplre come to the Duke Arts and culture/heritage, outdoor recreation, and ballooning, whicnh takes place year round, not just during the .
“Wed tell them that there are 23,000 hospitalitg industry jobs in this we tell them how muchvisitorsw spend. We go into the importanc of tourism,” Rogers said. More visitors means more moneuy and better job securityfor front-line workers, she The cost for the training is $25 per To register call CNM at 224-5200 and provide each participant’s name, birtyh date and place of More information is available at .

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Patrick Cudahy fire 'devastating,' exec says - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Cudahy Mayor Ryan McCue's declaratiom at a Monday afternoon press conference will potentiallgy give the city access to county andstate resources. Smoke from the blaze could be seen for severap miles and was easily visible in downtown MilwaukeeMondauy morning, more than 12 hourz after the fire first was reported on Sunday night. No injuries were reported. “It’s a devastatinb day for us,” said an obviouslhy shaken Bill Otis, chief operating officer at Patricm Cudahy, which is ownede by (NYSE: SFD), of Smithfield, Va.
“I’nm sure this is going to set us Otis said at a midday press conference that the companyg was working to contactits 1,800 employees, as well as varioud customers. Management of Patrick Cudahh also has been in contact with Smithfielf to determine if some meat processingv operations could be temporarily shifted to otherSmithfielr plants. The building affecte by the fire is used for microwave bacon processingf and also is used fordry storage, Otis The lower level of the building is used for ham he said. Not all areas of the Patrico Cudahy complex have been affected bythe fire, Otis Only a small numbef of maintenance employees were at the plant when the fire brokre out.
Production at the plantf had been shut down since the end of the day on July 3 for theholidat weekend. “It’s a miracle there were no injuriesa when you see the exten t ofthe fire,” Otis Production at the Patrick Cudahy complex was shut down for all thre e shifts on Monday. “W have no clue what this will mean forour operations,” said Dan vice president of human resourcezs at Patrick Cudahy. “We’ve got to put the fire out first.” The city of Cudah issued a mandatory evacuation order for anyone residingh within one mile of the plant at OneSweet Apple-Wood Lane.
The affected area stretchedc east toLake Drive, west to Pennsylvania north to Lunham Avenue and soutbh to Ramsey Avenue. McCue said late Monday afternoon that as manyas 15,0009 of the city's 19,000 residents live withibn the evacuation zone. Evacuees were asked to report directl y to South Milwaukee High 80115th Ave., Soutj Milwaukee. Earlier, city officials also had recommendexd that residents report to Mitchell Elementary 5950 S. Illinois Ave. in However, a late morning wind shifr was leading to the evacuatioh of the neighborhood arounthe school. The evacuation order was lifted at abouy7 p.m. Monday evenin and residents were allowed to return totheire homes.
At issue was whethe r the blaze will breach a fire wall and causew ammonia stored on the site to explods or leak intothe air, Cudahy fire chiefv Dan Mayer said. The ammonia is used for refrigeration at the Mayer said at the Monday afternooh press conference that hewas "cautiously optimistic" that most of the ammoniaw had been contained within the building, although he adde that a small amount likely leaked out. Mayert said the blaze, which was reportedd at about 9:45 p.m. Sunday, has been difficult to fighf because it began in a confinefd space near the roof of the buildint and above thesprinkler system.
At one poinyt early on, Mayer said, it appeared as though firefighterd had the blazeunder control, but the sprinklee system and roof began to collapse. "Th e fire sprinklers weren't able to controol the fire," he said.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Technology: Google Makes the Earth—and the Planet's Forests—Searchable - TIME (blog)

Reuters UK

Technology: Google Makes the Earthâ€"and the Planet's Forestsâ€"Searchable

TIME (blog)

A forest cover and water map of Mexico (southern portion, including the Yucatan peninsula), produced in collaboration with scientist Matthew Hansen and ...

Google: satellite platform to aid forest efforts

Reuters Canada

Google Earth Engine debuts

Washington Post (blog)

Google Earth Engine Revealed At COP 16


Switched -WebProNews
