Monday, August 30, 2010

Beating the recession by a neck - San Francisco Business Times:
I’d put on a tie. I’ll tell you what a man wearingb atie says. It says, “I’ m wearing a tie.” Employers like that. Yet, as I look around — on my way to at work, going home from work, and on the weekend whild working on work I broughtg home fromwork — I see peopl e not wearing ties. There’s a word for peoplre like that: tieless. Sometimes I want to grab these tielessd people bythe lapels, if they have and shake them. “Wake up, buddy,” I want to say. “We’vs got an economic crisis on our and you’re not wearing a tie.
” I woul be doing a public I realize that in some circles, ties, both as a fashioj statement and a defense against unemployment, have fallen out of I often hear people say, “I wouldn’t be caugh t dead in a or “Ties make my neck or “I’m not wearing no stinking It makes me want to grab them and shakse them, but I don’t, because I know the quickestt way to lose a job, aside from not wearing a tie, is to get arrested for assault. A guy who wears a tie is too smarttfor that. And make no mistake: I’m that guy. Boom or you’ll find me wearing a tie.
That’x because I know that when bosses huddle to decidr whose heads are goingto roll, the firsrt question they ask is this: “Who’s not wearing a I don’t care what you do for a I don’t care if you drive a truck. That guy in the big rig comingt up on your left coulf beyour boss. And if you can see him in the side-viewq mirror, it means he can see you, too. And if he sees you’red not wearing a tie, it’s too late to put one on. That’xs a big 10-4, good buddy, over and out. Ties used to be “sa male consideration.” Some people would have had you believe that only a man coulx weara tie.
A woman wearing a tie was seen as tryingy to appeartoo masculine, particularly if paired with a splash of This myth was perpetuated by oppressive males who knew they coulsd increase the odds of keeping their jobs by makinyg sure that half the population went All that has changed. Yet, even some women think they can get away with not wearinhga tie. They thinkk they wear a scargf ora shawl, instead. It’s not the same thing not in this economy. Women need to wear ties. Not cravats.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

To improve sales calls, managers need to get out of the office - bizjournals:
Unfortunately, it doesn’t give many clues as to how successfup the sales callreally was, or how it coul d have been improved. One way in whicy sales managers can greatly improve the performanc of members of their sales teams is by accompanying individualsa onsales calls. During the a more accurate picture ofthe salesperson’s performance can be obtainexd than simply relying on what the individual says at weekl y sales meetings. It’s not that salespeopler intentionally try todeceive anyone, but their explanationz are colored by their interpretationm of situations.
Those elements will be removedby first-hand observations, putting the manager in a better position to identify deficiencies and area s for improvement and then provide the most appropriate help. Another reason to accompany salespeoplde on calls is to confirmthe company’s interesr in prospective accounts or to show appreciation for existing By “bringing the manager in,” the salesperson strengthens the bond with the clienyt or prospect.
Additionally, bringing in the manager meanz there is a greater chancee of meeting other members ofthe client/prospect company’s managementg team who normally would be insulated from the These calls give the opportunity to not only but also deepen the relationship. Here is a five-steop process for getting the most from jointsalee calls. • Preparation: Overall goals and account-specifi c goals and objectives shoul d be determinedin advance. Details should include specific taskes tobe completed, actions to be taken and resultzs to be achieved.
This information shoulsd be shared with the salesperson far enoughy in advance that the individual knows what will be expectedd of him or her duriny the planned calls and has time to make thenecessaryt arrangements. • Observation: During sales call meetings, the managet should assume the role of notingthe salesperson’s general demeanor and specififc actions and reactions, especially thoswe that relate to the predetermined goals and objectivezs for the call. The manager must also listej intently tothe prospect’s questions and answersa and observe his or her actions and reactions.
The manager must take accuratse notes for later evaluation and discussion and must not rescuwe the call even if the salesperson is doing apoor job, as this does nothinbg to help the salesperson learn and generally only strokes the ego of the salese manager. The reality is that a poorly performinb salesperson is failing most of the time so one more timelikely won’yt hurt but could possibly help the salesperso learn how to handle the situation next time and possiblu become a better performer. • Evaluation: Observationsz are shared withthe salesperson, inputs are obtaines regarding his or her actions and thought processes, and results are comparee with the planned objectives.
Based on the comparison, areasz for improvement can be identified. The analysis may call for changes in strateggy or tactics or refinement ofspecific skills.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Scripted sales calls old fashioned, fail to connect with customers - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Geez, I have been sayinb this for more than25 years, and I can’gt believe companies still use them to sell over the phone. OK, forgert the companies themselves, let’s blame the managet or the person who is responsible for still trying to do somethint that every sales trainer on the planet says doesnot work. Now, beforew I go on, do not writ e or send an e-mail telling me that I am wrong orbeintg stubborn. Instead, why don’t you try somethintg new – that is, new to you or your organization and just do what I will layout here. Trustr me, it has worked everuy single time withany organization, big or that I have workedc with.
This horror of using scripte came rushing back to me recentlh while working with a company whose stores are in every big city in the The company is highly regarded for its ethics and is a very visiblwe organization that many are familiar with because ofthe company’z longevity and brand awareness. I was asked to come to the company’as headquarters and look at its method of attracting new businesz through itstelemarketing program, which the companyh has been using for a couple of They said that although the results were OK at sales had become pretty dismal. It took me just 30 secondw to read the script that the insidee salespeoplewere using, and I was sickened.
I talkex with the company president and said I coulds help the salespeople in justtwo hours, but I needes him to let me do my job and not to interfers unless I called him in for his He agreed, but I could sensed he was a bit apprehensive about the situation and my I worked only with the manager, who was reallgy a selling manager because she was on the phonex herself at times tryinb to pitch in and We went into a room, and I spenty an hour going over why scripts don’t work and why she has been brainwashec to do something that was against all the rulex of professional salesmanship.
She was neither thrilled with me at this point nor happy after I tookher eight-page script, rippedf it up and threw it in the We role-played a little using real situationw that she might have with her husband, childrenh and friends, for instance. The goal was to show her that havintga two-sided conversation is much more useful than a one-sided She was really starting to get it, even thoughg she kept wanting to go back to a sellinvg mode by doing more talking than listeninv and asking questions. It was so simple that it was frighteninvg to her that a selling situationb can be flexible and not just acanned speech, wherw she can actually have fun whild conversing with a customer.
The introductioh and questions I wrote out were basifc and easy for her to They were: “Hi, my name is Susan from Clienf Co., and I would like to ask you two or threer quick questions. It will not take more than 48 secondss – I promise. “Are you familiadr with our company? If yes, what aspects “Why are you not a or why did you leaveour

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Manpower: 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in 3Q - Austin Business Journal:
From July to September, 6 percent of the companiews interviewed in the Honolulu metrio area plan to hiremore employees, while 11 percentr expect to reduce their according to the survey from Milwaukee-based MAN). Seventy-eight percent expect to maintain their current staffv levels and 5 percent remain uncertain about hiring plans. Hiring is expectedf to be a little lighter than in the second when 10 percent of companies surveyecd planned to hire and 12 percent expected to cut said Manpower spokeswoman MaryLou Callahan.
For the comingf quarter, job prospects in the Honolulu area appear best in wholesals and retail trade and leisure and Employers in durablegoods manufacturing, nondurable goodsd manufacturing, information, professional and business education and health services and governmenrt intend to cut staffing. Hiring in transportation and utilities, financial activitieas and other services is expected toremaijn unchanged. National survey results showed little change from thesecondf quarter. Of the more than 28,000 employerws surveyed acrossthe country, 15 percent expecy to increase their staff levels durin g the third quarter, while 13 percent expectt to reduce their payrolls.
Sixty-seven percent expecgt no change in hiring and 5 percent are undecided abouttheir third-quarter hiring plans. “Thse data shows continued hesitancyamongy employers,” said Jonas Prising, president of the Americas for “They are treading slowly and watching with guarded hoping a few quarters of stability will be the precursor to the recovery.”

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Oakland foundation commits $10M for clinic emergency fund - San Francisco Business Times:
The contribution brings the fund’s total to $26 according to the Oakland-based foundation. The goal is to help keep communitty clinics afloat if the state budgert stalemate continuesin Sacramento, and jeopardizeds state-supported Medi-Cal funding. California HealthCare Foundation officialssaid Medi-Cal reimbursement to the clinics could be in jeopardyh if the Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger can’t reacyh a a compromise within a matter of weekzs after July 1 to fillthe state’ss $24.3 billion budget deficit.
So the as it did last year under somewhatsimilaf circumstances, is joining with other funders to support the emergency loan officials say, noting that its participation helps bring down the effectivwe interest rate for clinics seeking loansx to 3.6 percent. Eligible clinics can receivee a maximum loanof $1.5 million. approval, documentation and servicing of loan s will be handled by NCBCapital Impact, a nationaol nonprofit organization that specializes in making such loans.
Other loan-pool funders include San Francisco’s , Sacramento-baser , the Nonprofit Finance Fund, NCB Capitao Impact, the Mercy Housing Partnership and the CPCA Loan During previousbudget delays, the foundation said the state was able to draw on a smallp reserve fund to continue making Medi-Cal paymentsw to community health centers, but it’se not clear that those resources will be “The situation in Sacramento is as uncertain as I’vre ever seen, while at the same time some community health centerws are experiencing a 10 to 50 percent increase in the numberr of uninsured patients they see becauses of these hard times,” the foundation’ss president and CEO, Dr.
Mark Smith, said in the Officials say a recent surveuy bythe , the statewide association for more than 700 communityg clinics and health found that nearly eight in ten of those surveyedr would require an emergency loan if Medi-Cak payments were delayed by eight Medi-Cal accounts for roughly half of the revenue, or about $10 million each week statewide, so a lengthyt delay in reaching a budget agreementf would make it very difficult for many clinices to meet payroll and pay for otheer overhead expenses, according to the which says that many could be forcee to reduce patient services, reduce hours of operatiomn or shut down without outsidde assistance.

New high-rises attract additional workers, create parking shortages - Orlando Business Journal:
Due to a shortage of hundredsw of parkingspaces downtown, Erikson sets alarmn clocks to remind visitors and employeeds forced to park in a metered lot when it'w time to feed the meters. "Whemn people get busy with work they lose trackof time," Erikson says. "Bur if they don't pay for a minutre or two, they get a $32 ticket." Parkinh in downtown Orlando is becoming a growing especially for daytimeoffice workers, thanks to new emergingh high-rises that are bringing more residents and white-collar workers. In the current parking picklw could even cause some companies to seek alternativezs to downtownoffice space, say commerciap real estate experts.
To addresss the issue, developers are planning parking garages as part of theirf new projects and the city intendsx to addmore parking. But more parkingf garages are only part ofthe solution, says Orlandol Transportation Director Roger Neiswender. The city determined 15 yearsw ago thatit wouldn't be able to meet its future population'es needs downtown by simply accommodating more The city's core also needa better connectivity and walkability, says Neiswender. "Im the long haul, the goal is to be able to tie tens of thousandss of rooftopsto downtown.
" The greatest issue for downtownh business owners, especially those new to the area, is gettinvg monthly parking permits for thei r workers, says Erikson. During the last two Erikson says he tried several timess to get a monthly parking permit from the without success. "They are all oversubscribed, unlesas we want to park at the courthouse a dozemn or moreblocks away," he says. Erikson finallty learned about a new surface lot downtown and was able to get one space for station President Mark Butthe station's other employees and visitors still have nowhere to so the station's management keeps $50 in quarters on hand for them to feed the New downtown development projects exacerbate Orlando's parking As part of an unprecedented buildinyg boom, a total of 41 projects values at more than $1.
5 billion are under construction or proposeds for downtown. The projects are expected to attract more than 1 millionn visitors to the areaeach year. The constructionm also takes certain parking garagesdand on-street parking out of use at various times, leaving downtown with only 9,005 public parking spaces. "We know in the shortt term, we're 600 spaces from where we'd want to says Neiswender. Inadequate parking is the greatest challenger to leasing commercial real estate in theinnerd city, according to a recent Black's Guide survey.
Downtown Orlando could lose prospective corporate tenants tonearby alternatives, including 'd Southgate Business Park, which offers free on-site surface parking to its office tenants, says Mary Hurley, leasing managet of Pineloch Management. "During the day, the tenants are reallyt challenged to find spaces in the parking garagews where theyare located," Hurle says. "It affects productivity, and it affects However, Frank Billingsley, executive director of the , expects corporatde tenants to continue to favoe downtown due to its centrapl location and itsfledgling around-the-clock city lifestyle.
To accommodatd the anticipated crushof downtown's growing the city is replacing 176 surfacse parking spaces in a lot between Washingtoh Street and Jefferson Avenue with a seven-story parking garage by year-end. In many developers are including parking garage in their new downtown For example, will demolish the 380-space Markety parking garage and replaces it with a 480-space garage as part of its plannecd 55 West on the Esplanade a 32-story, 405-unit condo high-rise to be done in early 2008. In addition, parking decks at Premieree Trade Plaza, where construction is well under way, will add 1,40o new parking spaces. Another major downtown projectr on the drawingboard -- the $175 1.
4 million-square-foot, mixed-use Tradition Towers -- will housr the University Club of Orlando and will include a 900-space parking garage. Further, the which owns most of the publicparking downtown, is studying its futur e parking needs as part of a new downtowj transportation plan. The 20-point strategic plan discusses creatingv interconnected places that will allow downtown to bea pedestrian-, transit- and automobile-friendly area. The city expectws to complete the parking aspecg of the plannext spring. In the meantime, if the city gets in a it will open surface parking at the says Billingsley. Exactly how many parking spaces the city will need in the futurde is notyet known.
"There'd no absolute answer," Neiswender says. "It depend s on the pace of development."

Dallas Cowboys to get new product hub - Phoenix Business Journal:
The two organizations said Tuesday they are breakinbg ground on thenew facility, which will be located at 2500 Regenyt Boulevard at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The new facilitt will allow the Dallas Cowboys to expand its merchandisin base and also consolidatee the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shops with Dallasz Cowboys Merchandising and Blue StarGraphicss & Design. The construction will expand the Cowboys existingmerchandisingg operations.
“This move was causede by the passion and love that the fans in the Metroplex and acrossd America have for theDallas Cowboys,” said Bill vice president of merchandising for the “When we purchased our original building on State Highway 114, I never thought that we coul d outgrow it and yet a little over a year we needed an additional 100,000 squared feet. With the acquisition of Blue StarGraphics Design, this gave us the ability to be even more responsive to our No other team in the NFL has this abilityt to respond to its needs.

Fitch cuts UCBH rating as bank suspends dividend - Phoenix Business Journal:
The troubled bank also hired a financial advisefr to assist withcapital planning. Fitch downgraded UCBH’as long-term issuer debt ratings to CCCfrom B-plus on Tuesday, citing the bank’s decisionb to defer dividend payments on hybridf securities. The deferral includes paymente onits $298 million of preferred stock issued to the U.S. Treasury undef the Troubled AssetRelief Program. “While the holdingv company presently has sufficient cash resourcew to paythese dividends, Fitch believez that future dividend payments wouldf have likely been restricted,” Fitch said in a “Given UCBH’s financial pressures, Fitch anticipatesz that the company will likely be subject to regulatory which would potentially weaken the parent company’z financial profile further,” Fitch said.
The ratings agenc y said the bank remains highly exposed to commercial real estatr introubled markets. Fitch notes that UCBH UCBH) remains in discussions with , a major about a capital injection. But beyond UCBH would have trouble raising substantial capital onWall “The challenging economic and operating environment callse for difficult decisions and a specific action plan that puts UCBH on a solids foundation for the future,” said Thomasz Wu, chairman and CEO of UCBH. “We continu to work toward completing our financial restatements in thecurrent quarter.
“By conservin g and building capital, focusing on our core banking businessed and continuing to provide exceptional service to our we will be in a stronger positiohn to realizeour long-term growth potential,” Wu UCBH has been struggling with residentialk construction loans in Southern The bank’s shares recently changed hands at $1.21 after trading over the past year betweejn $1 and $7.65. UCBH, with $13 billionj in assets, has built a globalp presence with offices inkey U.S. cities and in Chinz to serve the Chinese communities in the Uniter States and American companiews doing businessin China.

Hawaiian Telcom closes 3 stores - Dayton Business Journal:

Hawaiian Telcom, which is reorganizing under Chaptedr11 bankruptcy, said Thursday it will close its Kapolei and Windwared Mall stores on Oahu and the Lihue storw on Kauai because of slackening demand and the high cost of maintaininv the stores. The Kapolei location closerd earlierthis week. The Windward locatiobn will close June 9 and Lihue will closeJune 16. The compant said 23 full- and part-time employees will be affectex bythe closures, but some employees will be transferre d within the company. Hawaiianj Telcom will have five storesw afterthe closures.
“The decision to close severakl of our retail stores was not We take our responsibility toour employees, our companyu and community very seriously. This decisionh was made to enhancethe long-tern success of our company,” said president and CEO Eric Yeaman, in a “We appreciate our customers’ and continued support.”

Friday, August 20, 2010

Warning: Online Insurance Quote Scams Rising - The News of Today

The News of Today

Warning: Online Insurance Quote Scams Rising

The News of Today

As of late this trend has included more and more health insurance quote websites out there. It may start off innocent enough with a person doing a simple ...

and more »

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Auto Insurance Hollywood - Splash Press Release (press release)

OfficialWire (press release)

Auto Insurance Hollywood

Splash Press Release (press release)

... coverage they want online. After these steps are completed, customers can compare the quotes and information they receive. Auto Insurance Hollywood also ...

Auto Insurance Quotes For Young Drivers Website Just Launched!

Online PR News (press release)

It's Possible To Get The Most Affordable Car Insurance Within Few Minutes

Granite Bay View

Online Car Insurance Quotes - You Only Need To Browse Through Websites ...

OfficialWire (press release)

FPRD (press release) (blog) -PR Newswire (press release) (press release)


Monday, August 16, 2010

Grants for Insurance Monitoring - Nextgov


Grants for Insurance Monitoring


As part of the meetings, the state will develop interactive applications for residents to use to navigate insurance premium information on a state website ...

Fed funds boost state health insurance rate reviews

Portland Tribune

NY gets funds to hold down insurance rates

Long Island Business News (blog) Releases Comprehensive Guide Exploring Today's ... (press release)

Insurance News Net (press release)


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Torchmark to pay 16 cent dividend - BusinessWeek

Torchmark to pay 16 cent dividend


Internet Marketing Bachelor's Degree Learn Effective Internet Marketing Strategies While Earning a Bachelor's Online! Term Life Insurance Quote Save up to ...

and more »

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In Push to Digitize Patient Insurance Technology Records, Aetna, Humana ... - TMC Net

In Push to Digitize Patient Insurance Technology Records, Aetna, Humana ...


Many of the nation's biggest insurance providers have formed partnerships with health information technology companies, and together they are eager to wade ...

Humana And Athenahealth Collaborate To Reward Primary Care Physicians For ...

Insurance News Net (press release)


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ways to save on your car insurance - Helium

Ways to save on your car insurance


If each month you have to pay a lot for your car insurance, it may be time to negotiate a better insurance price from your insurance company ...

How the Cost of Car Insurance Can be Cheaper When You're Attached

Insurance News Net (press release)


Friday, August 6, 2010

1400 apply for high-risk health insurance - Pittsburgh Post Gazette

1400 apply for high-risk health insurance

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

PA Fair Care, the new federally funded insurance program meant to provide health coverage for high-risk customers, ...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

AIG `On The Mend' Lowers Federal Reserve Debt by $3.5 Billion Since April - Bloomberg

AIG `On The Mend' Lowers Federal Reserve Debt by $3.5 Billion Since April


American International Group Inc. reduced the debt it owes on a Federal Reserve credit line by about $3.5 billion ...

and more »

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Site Aims to Teach Americans About Insurance Options - NewsHour

New Site Aims to Teach Americans About Insurance Options


Other commercial Web sites -- such as -- have offered online information about health plans before. In fact, according to a study by ...

and more »

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Travel Q&A: Mexican rental car insurance not optional - San Jose Mercury News

Travel Q&A: Mexican rental car insurance not optional

San Jose Mercury News

Q: We travel frequently to Baja California and are thoroughly confused regarding car insurance. We deal with major car rental ...