Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Bankruptcy News Headlines - View Bankruptcy News Across the US
| | | | | | | | | | | Chryslerr LLC | Circuit City Stores, Inc. | | | | | | | Countrgy Club Plaza | | | | | | | | EPIQ Inc. | Equity Bank | Fairfax Assemblyg Plant | | | | | | | | | | | | Ford Motof Company | | | | Garmin International, Inc. | GE Capitalp Markets Inc. | General Electricv Capital Corporation | General Motors Corporation | | Generationds Bank | | | | | Greensoftt Solutions, Inc. | | | | | | | | | | IBC Investorw I LLC | ICOP Digital, Inc. | | Internal Revenue Service | | | | International Brotherhood ofTeamsters | Interstate Bakeries Corp. | Interstate Bakeried Corporation | J.E. Dunn Construction Inc. | J.P. Morgan & Co.
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| | | | | | | Triloggy Development Co. LLC | | | | | U.S. Securitiesx and Exchange Commission | U.S. Treasurhy Department | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | YRC Worldwidre Inc.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Wells Fargo continues integration of Wachovia with name change - Business First of Louisville:
The change reflects the bank’s continued integration with , which acquired Charlotte-basexd on Dec. 31. “B y adopting the Wells Fargo nameand brand, we’re now fullty part of one of the world’s most respected financia companies,” says Neil Ryan, chievf executive of Wells Fargo Bank “We look forward to satisfying all of our financial needs across Europe and helping them succeed Wells Fargo Bank International is a European Unionh bank headquartered in Ireland.
In Wells Fargo’s investment-banking and capital-markets businesses, which formerly operatee under the Wachovia Securitiexs and certain WellsFargo brands, have taken the name Wellsa Fargo Securities. Retail brokerags products and services formerly marketed as Wachovia Securities are now offere d through WellsFargo Advisors. Wells Fargo is based in San
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Fewer flights at RDU, but more are on time - Triangle Business Journal:
According to federal data compiled by the Bureau ofTransportatioj Statistics, 17.6 percent of flights taking off at RDU from Apriol 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 departed That may sound like a lot, but it’ds an improvement over the 19.5 percent that took off late duringg the same period the year before. “Across the board, it’s definitelhy better now than it has been inthe past,” says Ray a Triangle resident who sellx biotech, pharma and hospitap equipment for Beckman Coulter. Styons, who travels out of RDU severap timesa year, says on-time performance is importan to business travelers because they try to see as many clientd as possible on trips.
Delays that cause missed appointmentw or force a businesspersobn to stay overnightunexpectedly don’t just cost time, they cost
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Crist vetoes controversial insurance bill - Denver Business Journal:
“We really don’t have a choic e but to continue with our plan to discontinue our property insurancde coveragein Florida,” said State Farm spokesman Michael Crist cited concerns that signingt HB 1171 could trigger significant rate increases and reverse effortsa by state officials and the Legislature to make the Floridaz market more competitive. Proponents of the legislation called itthe “Consume Choice” bill. Crist said in a news release that the bill gavea “selecrt group of property insurance companies” the powe of choosing who would be offered the allowing them to cherry-pick the best customers and dump policie s with the greatest risk.
In a June 16 letter to the governor, Jim Thompson, president of State Farm Florid aInsurance Co., encouraged him to sign the bill, but made no promisea to stay if he did. Thompson even includee a couple of caveats toState Farm’a statement of non-commitment. “If HB 1171 were to becomre law, and if the (Office of Insurance expediently administers the law in a manner consistenty with the legislative intent of its legislativwe sponsorsand supporters, State Farm wouled be willing to re-examine its options,” Thompson wrote. The governofr pointed to the fact that the bill did not require that the selecrt companies stay in Florida as a motivatingg factor inhis decision.
“House Bill 1171 allow s certain insurers the ability to collect unregulated insurance premiums and then leavd the marketplacewith Florida’s hard-working earnings,” he said. State Farm Florida has been talking with statwe regulators about its plan toleave Florida. In , the compan y asked to stop writing properth coverage in the Sunshine Stats because it no longer could afford to do business Followingthe veto, the National Associationb of Insurance and Financial Advisors–Florida, which representsw the majority of Stat Farm agents, released a statemengt through spokesman Bob Lotane.
“If nothing else, this movex debate on how to address our insurance challengese 180 degrees from where we and showed we have got to welcomr and examine new he said. Ed Domansky, spokesman, said a hearing will be held July 15 to determins the need for a formapl hearing onState Farm’s plan to leavee Florida. Click to read the plan. OIR’e biggest sticking point in the negotiations has been whether State Farm agents would be able to sell policiez other than its own and The initial agreement states that Statde Farm would provide a minimum of six month s notice prior toexecutinhg non-renewals. State Farm policyholders, he said, have time to find other coverage.
“It was expected that nothing like that wouldf begin to happen until laterthis year,” Domansky “I suspect nothing would take placew for another six months out.” Brad Ashwell, consumedr advocate for , which opposed the bill, expects the deregulatio of Florida’s insurance industry will become a central issu in the gubernatorial campaign. He said whomever wins the state’s top political post will help determine how much traction deregulationh has in the nextlegislativse session. Ashwell added that his group is ecstatic withthe governor’z decision. “We couldn’t be more he said. “We are glad he stooe up for consumers.
” Barney Bishop III, president and CEO of , criticizec the governor’s veto, saying it would force hundredd of thousands of homeowners to switchto “thinly-financed” insurance companiess that will charge them as much if not more than thei r current insurer. He gave no evidence for the But Ashwell said no one has evaluated how well private companies can weather astormn financially, so Bishop’s statement is inaccurate at He also pointed to the obvious, that Statwe Farm is considering leaving of its own “This isn’t the governor’s fault that State Farm is decidingt to leave,” he said.
“OIR’s role in protectinvg consumers is not what is driving State Farm out ofthe [State Farm] has a commended the governor’s action sayinyg it would have allowed certain largetr insurance companies an unfair business advantage. It noted that the bill “wouldc have further diminished affordable choices for Floridians and would have eventuallyu dumped more policies intothe state-run insurance prograkm Citizens.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Business groups slam proposed tax increases - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The said it opposes changes to the corporatesminimum tax, a new corporate incomr tax and a new personal income tax. The alliancw consists of 30 business groupws that represent morethan 25,00 0 Oregon businesses and emplogy 500,000 residents. Raising the taxes could cause the state tolose 6,00o0 jobs, according to state revenue office estimates. “These proposals ignore the stark realities of ourcurrent recession,” the group said in a news release sent by J.L.
a lobbyist with Associated Oregon “They are counterproductive measures that kill jobs and prolong our The corporate minimum tax and corporate incomd tax proposals would collectively harm companies with smal profit margins as well as businesses looking to invest more incapitalp equipment, the group said. The allianc e called on lawmakers to insteadr focuson private-sector job retention and “We believe strongly that increased taxes are detrimentall to job growth,” Wilson said in the news “An increased tax burden will hurt the abilit y of our members to create desperately neededd jobs. It is the wrong approacu to balancethe state’s budget.
” Other groups signing the lettef include Associated Oregon Loggers, Independent Communitg Banks of Oregon, the Northwest Food Processors Oregon Association of Realtors, the Oregob Automobile Dealers Association, the Oregonh Bankers Association, the Oregon Home Builders Association, the Oregohn Restaurant Association and the Oregon Truckintg Association. Oregon’s House and Senate members hope to adjourbn byJuly 1. Lawmakers must address a $4.
2 billionh budget shortfall before they adjourhn or in a series of special sessions throughout the rest ofthe
Friday, February 17, 2012
Regents name Ann Weaver Hart as next UA president - Arizona Daily Wildcat
UA News | Regents name Ann Weaver Hart as next UA president Arizona Daily Wildcat The Arizona Board of Regents appointed Ann Weaver Hart to be the next UA president, effective July 1, at their meeting on Friday. The board conducted a national search to fill the position of president, and created a 23-member search committee and ... New UA presid ent has had full-circle journey |
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Go green, save green: With the right tech, it
While some companies may think “going green” is too there are several technologieds that can economically promote environmentalp sustainability throughout anentire business. • Teleworking: Gone are the days where a home office simply meantt havinga phone, PC and Internet Today, all of these technologies are integrate d so employee collaboration doesn’t miss a even when away from the Replacing traditional voice system and bringing voice communications, e-mail and instant messaging together can reduce hardware, service and maintenancse costs.
Research by found that such tacticw can reduce travel from 10 to 30 ultimately reducing the number of cars onthe • Virtualization: Many businesses believe they must deploy several servera to perform any number of tasks. Not true. Virtualizationn maximizes server potential by allowing one device to do the work that previously took severap dedicated serversto do. With more systemz running on fewer physical businesses are estimated to reduce energy costs by90 • Remember the Instead of disrupting employees’ workday s by deploying new software and technologies that are “more companies should utilize the resources at their For example, using the “sleep” mode on 10 company PCs is equivalenr to taking one car off the Companies should put into place policies to take advantage of energy-saviny tools, as according to a recent study, 25 percent of employeea leave their computers running all weekend and 65 perceny run a screen saver rather than sleep.
While companiews are re-evaluating their carbon footprints, they shoulx also take inventory of their software licensing agreements as they may find rightw for unused software they already own that providethese power-management features. Companiee should rest assured knowing that they can easily reducetheifr organization’s carbon footprint by simplhy taking advantage of a tool used everyday — technology. As businesse s look into the they should keep in mind the world around them and how easilgy they can help makea difference.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Solar land auction nets two sales, more slated - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
million, with a third deal potentially in the Buyers of the small parcels were not butKuldip Verma, president and CEO of , which sold the said the buyers had interest in developingh the land's solar potential. Vermaland also is looking at sellinba 3,600-acre parcel at auction withibn the next six months in the county’s western reaches. While the first auctionj focused on five smaller a larger, contiguous site such as Vermaland’s coul draw a higher premium, if companies believe it has access to water and power lines.
“Several large-scale utility companiexs have expressed interest in the propert once the siteis developed,” said Verma, who addedr the site has water on-site wells and a low slope. While the company was able to sell the two prices were below what neighborinbg land has beenselling for. The goal was to spur solart companies to purchase land rather than simply tieit up, Vermq said. The properties sold at Saturday’sa auction included an 80-acre site in the Tonopah area for $340,000 and a 320-acr e site in Tonopah for $2.24 The company did not identify whichy of the remaining three properties might be involved inanother deal.
“The auction brought the propertiees to the attention of some parties that we had never been incontactf with, as well as reminded others we had spoken with in the past of the which is highly suitable for solafr development,” said Anita Verma-Lallian, the company’s marketing director. Vermaland alread y had sold land toseveral California-basef utilities looking to develop renewable resourcez to meet that state’s standarda for clean energy.
Solar energy developers have been placingb applications on state and federal lands in western Arizona for the pastthreer years, and private land owners have been negotiating as developers look for the best As companies scout for they also face financing issues and none of the proposer projects in Arizona has broken ground. Arizona’s main solarr corridor includes Vermaland’s an area that stretches from Yuma to Phoenix and Tucson seen as a huge growtyh area fordeveloping utility-scale solar power
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Sandusky seeks local jury, visits with grandchildren - SI.com
ABC News | Sandusky seeks local jury, visits with grandchildren SI.com Sandusky was in a Centre County courtroom and asked a judge to let him see relatives, including supervised visits with his grandchildren, and friends. He denies the criminal » |
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Social Security retirees can't ditch Medicare, court rules - Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Monitor | Social Security retirees can't ditch Medicare, court rules Christian Science Monitor Social Security recipients sued to opt out of Medicare, saying the benefit limits their private insurance coverage. But federal appeals court rules they can't reject Medicare if they receive Social Security. By Nedra Pickler, Associated Press ... Appeals court rules that seniors receiving Social Security can't reject ... |
Monday, February 6, 2012
New hotel brand slated for Legacy - Jacksonville Business Journal:
San Antonio-based recently sold about 6 acres of land to hotel developer The The land is located off of SonterrqBoulevard -- within Santikos' mixed-use developmenty called Legacy. Plans for the land call for two according toDan Hansen, executivw vice president and chief development officer for The Summit Group. J.J. a senior associate with the local officeof , and Jasohn Brumm, an associate with the firm, representec The Summit Group in the transaction. The purchase pricee of the land was not Construction on the first hotel is slated to get under way in abou60 days. The new hotel will be callexd Aloft.
Aloft is one of the latest brandsby , a leadinh hotel and leisure Starwood owns and operates severalp high-end hotel brands, including the and the W Hotels. Aloftg marks Starwood's entry into what Hansenm callsthe upscale, limited service "It's edgy," says Hansen, who pointes out that the hotel include a great lounge, a fabulous workout facilit y and a plush interior. Nine-foot ceilings and oversizedf windows give the rooms in Aloftan urban-loft All of the roomsx will feature flat-panel televisions, large bathrooms and oversized showers. The hotels also featured indoor andoutdoor pools, a 24-hour food a community lounge area and a bar.
The San Antonio Alofgt will feature 136 ofthese urban-loft rooms. It is slated to open next summer, says whose hotel development/management firm is jointly based inSious Falls, N.D., and Scottsdale, Ariz. The brand is a perfecg fit forLegacy -- given its focus on bringingh not only new, but upper-end concepts to San Antonio. "Thias is something high-end for the businessw community," says Sean Nasis, chief financial officer for Santikos, referring to Legacy, which is beintg built over multiple is located ona 100-acre tracrt at the northeast corner of Loop 1604 and U.S. Highwa 281.
It could ultimatelg consist ofsome 400,000 square feet of spac e -- spread out over retail, entertainment, residential and office Aloft, adds Nasis, is also a key piece in creatinh a 24-hour lifestyle at Legacy. Indeed, the hotel will fit in well with one ofthe project'se premiere anchors -- . Coming in at 150,000 squarer feet, Eden Prairie, Minn.-based Life Time Fitnesa offers a wide array of amenitiezin "one beautiful building," according to compan spokesman Kent Wipf. The health clubz include indoor/outdoor water parks, complete with rock-climbing caverns;and hundreds of state-of-the-art cardiovascular and weight machines. The clubas are open 24 hours.
"Santikos has done a fine job of puttin gthis together," adds Hansen of "When we first drove in, we felt like this was a placs where we wanted to buy To be a part of a vibrant development -- that is the key that attractexd us there." Upscale, limited service As for the brand for the second hotel at Hansen says that it is stilll being determined. Although he adds that he expecta that Summit will have made a decisiohn by the time the dirt begina to turn on theAloft project. In the meantime, Summit has another project on the drawing board in SanAntonilo -- a 120-room .
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Six Flags renews Chrysler partnership - Dallas Business Journal:
As part of the agreement, Chryslere will continue to operate interactive vehicle displays staffeds by product specialists at 10 SixFlagz parks, including Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, TX. In the displays will be set up at thresemore parks. Chrysler, Jeep and Dodg e vehicles will continue to be the official vehicleas of Six FlagsTheme Parks. “With over 25 millio n guests annually, Six Flags provides the ideal platform to showcasre our lineof Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge vehicles and strategicall y engage consumers through dynamic and endemic marketinb touch points in a fun and interactive says Michael Accavitti, president and CEO of Dodgee Brand and Chrysler Group LLC Marketing.
The Jeep and Dodge brands will also sponsor the Six Flags July 4th celebration at all Six Flags parks over the holiday SixFlags (OTCBB: SIXFQ) is a publicly-traded corporation headquartered in New York City and is the world’sz largest regional theme park company with 20 them parks across the United Mexico and Canada.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
How To - Portland Business Journal:
Many are looking for alternatives to bank Experts say finding the correctg alternative to a bank loanis It’s important to find the right alternative and overcomse negative perceptions about non-bank financing. “A lot of borrowerds thought there was a stigmq attachedto [alternative lenders],” said Marilyn chairwoman of the in Washington, D.C. “Ity was kind of like you were sayinfyou weren’t good enough for a bank.
” One populart option is factoring, which is when a business sells its accountd receivable at a discount to a third which collects and keeps the Factoring differs from bank lendinv in that the emphasis is placeed on the value of the receivables and not the credit worthiness. It is also not a loan but simplu the purchase of afinancial asset. Factors make funds availabl e to a business that might not be able to get a bank But experts say factoring can be more expensive thanbank lending, as factors take a fee and pay a discounf for the receivables. Another option is cash flow lending, where a lender determines loan eligibility based on a reviews of bank and creditcard statements.
Landids cited New York’s On Deck Capital as one organizationh that handles this sortof lending. Therew are also boutique banks that make loansa to certain typesof businesses. One in Kansas lendd only to funeral homes, for “The bankers are experts in that industry and best able todetermins risk,” Landis said. High-net-worth individuals also might be willing to investt in small businesses as equitgy partners orangel investors.
If they believe they can get a bettert return by investing in a private company than in the stoc k market they will advancee the owner money for operating expenseas in exchange for repaymentwith interest, or in some casees an ownership stake in the business. this route isn’t appropriate for every Harris Smith, chairman of the Palatine, Ill.-basefd and a partner at accountingfirm , said angep investors might see a good opportunit y in certain businesses but are generally not a greatr alternative because wealthy individuals will not usually participats in such activity unless they get a high interestf rate.
As difficult as it can be gettinbg connected to the rightalternative lenders, Landisd and Smith said business owners still need to be aggressiv e in their due diligence. Landis recommended that would-bs borrowers start with their trade association and ask where they gettheidr financing. Find out who sponsors their because typically those are the same groups interestedx inyour industry. And she said to talk to peerss nationwide. Smith also suggested that businese owners ask their bankers for help locating alternativd sourcesof funding.
Once you’ve identified potential prospects, vet them with the Better Business Bureau and dig into theirdtrack record, including contacting previous customers. Ask the lender if it intendsa to fund loans directly orif it’s a broker. If it is actinbg as a broker, obtain the name of the ultimate lender to identifu the actual source ofthe funds. Landi s said to watch if they want high, up frontg fees. If you get ask why.
“It might be that you are askingv for a loanthat isn’t doable and you can restructure the projecrt to make it more suitable,” Landis