Thursday, September 29, 2011
Portion of Washington St. stays closed - Business First of Buffalo:
Washington Street between Clinto n and Eagle Streets has been closecd for more than three weekes after there were reports of sink holes poppingf up along the sidewalkand street. City crewas pinpointed the problem to an undergrounr tunnel that connected the long vacant formed AdamMeldrum & Anderson Co. Inc. department store with its neighboring warehouse. Portions of the streert were closed for safety cityofficials said. City officials had hopeds to have the repairsmade — mainly filling the tunnel with a liquid concrete mixture within days but after finding some asbestos in the the state said the asbestos had to been encapsulatedx before the repairs could take place.
That ruliny has delayed the work. “We’d like to get the work as expeditiousl yas possible,” said Peter spokesman for Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown. “Ws can’t leave that street sitting idle The repair costs are expected toexceed $100,000. Cutler said the city will be sendinh a bill to the owners ofthe AM&A’s . New Horizons has repeatedly been in Buffall City Court on buildingcode violations. “Will we get the moneh back?” Cutler said.
“I don’t
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Conductor Examines SEO Technology Impact on On-Page Auditing [STUDY] - Search Engine Watch
Conductor Examines SEO Technology Impact on On-Page Auditing [STUDY] Search Engine Watch Conductor just released the second part of their Unoptimized SEO series, How SEOs are Missing out on Natural Search Traffic by Neglecting On-Page Auditing. The first report demonstrated that technology ... How SEOs Are Missing Out on Natural Search Traffic |
Sunday, September 25, 2011
This Bauer bankruptcy traces back to Spiegel events - Nashville Business Journal:
In 2003, , which had owned Eddie Bauer since 1988, filed for bankruptcy And as part of the the company famous forits women’s wear catalog gave its creditorw its stake in Eddie Bauer. So, in Eddie Bauer emerged as a stand-alone compan for the first time in 34 The company also emerged witha $300 milliohn senior secured term loan agreement with lender and the task of rebuildinhg a brand that had drifted away from the company’as roots. Under Spiegel, grew rapidly, from 58 to 399 retailp stores and from three to102 outlets. The company also addefd internet sales.
But it also was a time when the Eddiw Bauer brand lostits focus, as the company shifted from its heritagre as an outdoor outfitter to a selle r of casual clothes targeted primarily at Company executives have said the debt terms from the Spiege bankruptcy case have continued to hampef efforts to turn things arounsd at Eddie Bauer. Despite efforte to recapture some of theold magic, Eddie Bauer has not been able to establishj a sustainable run of profitable quarters.
The companhy racked up nine consecutive quarterssof loses, and has seen losses of nearlyg a half-billion dollars in the past three The struggle became a financial crisies as the recession has worsened and consumerws have slowed spending.
Friday, September 23, 2011
'Conceptual Strokes' at Carlton - Boone Mountain Times
Boone Mountain Times | 'Conceptual Strokes' at Carlton Boone Mountain Times âConceptual Strokesâ at Carlton will be on exhibit through Oct. 18. Kate Worm is a versatile artist working in watercolor/gouache and oils on canvas. Her paintings on exhibit are bold abstract landscapes, as well as abstract figurative. ... |
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Back to business: Election gridlock yields to activity - Dayton Business Journal:
A decision-making gridlock has been in place. Many locap business people were waiting until afteer the election to makekey moves. That was the consensuw of 61 percentof respondents, or 226 of the 368 that votexd in the last week’s Business Pulse the nonscientific online weekly poll by the . But by Wednesday morning, a strategic logjam began to “Hopefully people can now get on withmakinvg decisions,” said Mark Wanich, VP/director of commercial servicexs division at Stewart Title Guaranthy Co. “I’m up to giving the guy [President-elect Barack the benefit of the doubt.” The countryh needs stability, Wanich said.
“It’ s stability that makes Americanbusiness work.” He’ss hopeful the president and Congressz will help banks. “What’s important is for bank to start lending Wanich said. “That’s what is killinf us right now. What we need right now is more capitall brought into the economyto invest.” Banker Bob McGivneyh spent part of Election Day at a Pinellas County manufacturing Despite tight margins, the company was busy and ever y machine was working. All the companyh needs, he said, is more orders from its customers. That won’rt happen just because the presidential election is McGivney said.
“When you’ve got payroll to it doesn’t matter who’x in the White It matters what’s in the checking McGivney said. McGivney, chairman and CEO of in Oldsmar, said the crisizs hitting the financial industry comes down to a lack of It will take a while to get thatconfidences back, McGivney said, and a change in administration won’t make a “There’s no instant fix to this. Whethefr [Sen. John] McCain or Obamas won, there’s no instant fix.” He’s expecting a turnarounfd beginningin January, but it will staryt slowly and it’s not tied to the he said.
Startup Jefferson Bank, which launched operatione in December, is on track with its own strategif plansand doesn’t expect changes in lending as a resuly of the election. one change McGivney is anticipating is additiona l regulation in the CommunityReinvestmenty Act, which encourages commercial banks and savings associationds to meet the credit needsd of the communities in which they operate, includinbg low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. “Democratxs have a more sociall y active approach to financial I appreciate that they want todo good, but you can’g mandate economics. It doesn’t work. It’as color blind. It all comes down to McGivney said.
The impact of the election resulte onDavid Cribbin’s business dependxs on what policies actually are said the president of . He believes the “positions in his industry will suffer. The Palm Harbor firm provides financing for the acquisitionh and leasingof aircraft. Corporations and investors pay for positions in line to take delivery ofnew aircraft, sort of like a layaway Cribbin expects that investors will no longer have use for theid positions and be unable to sell them and walk away, leavinf aircraft manufacturers with an overbuilt “My big concern is tax he said. “If you want less of something, tax it.
If you increasr the capital gains tax, there will be less less productivity andwages aren’t going to Cribbin’s strategy for coping with the election outcomse is to continue to build his niche financinb resources as large lenders retrench. “In the aircraft financing it’s all about knowingb who will do what,” he said. “We’ve been lucky at doing
Monday, September 19, 2011
[Deal Alert] Cementing Their Partnership With Verizon, RadioShack Offers $200 ... - Android Police
[Deal Alert] Cementing Their Partnership With Verizon, RadioShack Offers $200 ... Android Police Here's how: For starters, when you activate a select Verizon smartphone at RadioShack with a 2-year contract, you'll receive a $100 instant rebate â" this is done right at the register by our awesome associates, so you don't have to fill out any forms ... |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Miami-Dade mayor's budget proposal slashes services, jobs - South Florida Business Journal:
Faced with a $400 million budget deficit, Alvarez said during a noon news conferencd that he was putting all options onthe “Nobody wants to see their taxes increased, nobody wantss service reductions, nobody wants to see people lose theier jobs – but something has to give,” Alvarezs said. “There is no perfect The proposed $7.8 billion budget also includesz the elimination of morethan 1,700 positions. There are 1,217 vacant positions in the budget, but Alvaresz said he was not optimistic that they coulfd pair each of the affected employees with available Merit increases and longevity bonuses would continue to be Acrossthe county, 229 positionas and $55.
351 million in administrativw reductions have been made in the proposedd budget, according to a budget memo. The cuts come at a time when havefallenb $22.55 billion, or 9.5 percent, the worst year-over-yea decline in at leas 40 years, according to Property Appraisetr Pedro Garcia. "We can expecrt the tax roll losses for 2010 to be as we will not benefit from significant new constructiom and will record the full effects of the housinbgforeclosure crisis," Alvarez said. At the millage rates used to developthe proposal, the owner of a home of average value in Miami-Dade’s unincorporatee area would pay $8.63 more a year than in fiscal 2008-2009, according to the budget.
Alvarea said that while it is a virtualluy flat millagerate budget, it will stil impose significant service impacts to the He said the budget, which he has “agonized in the past few months, “is balanced and strivese to keep our most basic services intact.” But, it also includex the consolidation of some departmenta and the elimination of Under the proposal, salaries will be cut 5 percen t for all remaining county which Alvarez said would save more than $100 million and more than 2,000o jobs. A countywide hiring freezs also would remainin place.
The budgegt also slashes funding forall community-based It eliminates $11 million in grants to hundreds of locapl cultural organizations. General fund subsidies to including , , and and Gardens, wouldf be cut. Robert McCammon, presidenrt and CEO of the Historical Museum indowntownm Miami, said he expects to see a 41 percengt drop in county funding. Despite the $512,000 cut to his budget, he said he hopes to avoid layoffs. “We happen to be an institution with an he said. "We have been fairly conservatived by managingit properly." The museum’s endowment is $11 million, down from $16 milliob as a result of the economic downturn.
This the secon d year in a row that the museum face s cuts incounty funding. In 2006-2007, the organization received an additional $250,000. But, in the next fiscap year, that was cut by almost as much as McCammon fears the museum and the countgy will be facing the same problemsnext “We are still having foreclosures, short sales,” he said. “k would anticipate property values beingb lessnext year.” The budget, according to Alvarez, was developec with the intent of not increasing other than to allow for fundinb of critical public safety programs.
He addeds that, despite "rampant speculation," a fire fee is not part of the Inanswering critics, he said the budgetr gap would be the same "with or withoug a baseball stadium, new airport terminalw or the host of other long-term constructiom projects on the drawing board. The dollar s that fund these projects comefrom non-operating portiond of the budget, and their uses are restricted." County Commission Chairmanm Dennis Moss said that, while the commissionm and county administration must work as a the budget is still a a starting point. “Everything is on the table at this Moss said.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Ross reports big sales growth - San Francisco Business Times:
For the quarter enderd May 2, 2009, Ross Stores (NASDAQ: sales totaled $1.692 billion, a 9 percenrt increase over the $1.55 billion in sales for the thirteen weeks endedcMay 3, 2008. Comparable-store sales for the thirteej weeks endedMay 2, 2009 grew 3 percent. "W believe our solid performancd throughout the quarter was driven by our continued ability to deliver compelling bargainsto customers,” said Michaek Balmuth, president and CEO of Pleasanton-basex Ross, in a "Our first quarter earnings are benefiting from above-plajn sales, better-than-expected merchandise grosws margin and tight expense control.
“ The Southeast and Mid-Atlantic were the strongestg regions for the national retailer with 922 Ross Dresse for Less stores in 27 states and 52 dd's Discount stores in four states.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Survey finds gas surcharge not supported - Sacramento Business Journal:
A super majority of the region’s residents considetr traffic congestion and carbon dioxided and other air pollution to beregiona problems, learned in a yearly However, only 31 percent would add a carbon surchargr of 10 cents per gallon of gas in their countg to fund public transit. And 51 percent would opposes sucha surcharge. The conducted by Sacramento State professor Amy Liu and her students througgthe university’s , found that respondents aren’t as concerned aboug traffic congestion as they used to be. Only 43 percenft said traffic congestion is abig issue, whichu is the lowest since the surveuy began in 2002.
The peak came that when 70 percent said it was abig “The number of those who think carbo dioxide and other air pollution is a problen has also declined in the past few years,” a university news releass on the survey findings “In 2004 and 2005, 88 percentg of the region felt air quality was a In 2006 that number dropped to 85 and by 2008 it had declined to 81 The survey found that 49 percent of residents consider public transit a problem, and only 24 percenyt consider it a big issue.
or 33 percent, said it is not a While most respondents agree that carbohn dioxide and other air pollutionb and traffic congestion are problems in the only 17 percent rode public transit in the 30 days prioer tothe survey. • Residents in the city of Sacramentl (55 percent), Democrats (55 percent), independents and third-party voters (55 are the most concerned aboutpublic • Democrats are more likely (83 percent) than Republicans (53 and non-white residents are more likely (70 percent) than whitesz (69 percent) to consider air quality a problem for the region.
• Supporrt for an additional gas surcharge is highest amongDemocratz (46 percent), Yolo County residents (42 percent), and peopld who who belong to the upper and upper-middle classes (40 Transit users (50 percent) are the most likely to vote yes. Supportg for the gas surcharge is the lowest amongyRepublicans (21 percent), El Dorado Countyh residents (26 percent) and peopl e who belong to the working and lower classes (27
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Embarq, CenturyTel will become CenturyLink after merger - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
billion sale to expected this month. The rural phon e companies on Tuesday announceed the planned name and logo for thecombinedf company. CenturyLink will retain the CenturyTel (NYSE: CTL) trading symbol. “Ourt new brand name was selectexd because our customers and employees told us it reflectede a company thatis forward-lookiny and committed to linking the countru together,” CenturyTel CEO Glen Post III, who also will be chiefd executive of CenturyLink, said in the The company will begin operating under the new branf immediately upon closing the deal.
In the followinf months, markets will be converted to the new with customers being notified in advance and the name beinf added tocompany signs, vehicles and marketingh materials. The logo is intended to represent the powedr of connecting people and businesse to one another and tonew opportunities, locallhy and nationally, the release said. Overlandd Park-based Embarq (NYSE: EQ) and based in Monroe, La., are from the — before the deal can The headquarters will bein Monroe. A Denverd brand consulting agency, , helped develop the new bran strategy, name and logo, the release Together, the two companiea will have about 7.
5 million access lines, more than 2 millioj broadband customers and morethan 400,000p video subscribers. will . Embarq ranks No. 3 on the Kansa s City BusinessJournal ’s list of area public companies.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Lingle orders unpaid days off for workers - Austin Business Journal:
In an address broadcast from theState Capitol, Lingle also said she would scales back free Medicaid benefits to low-income adults and said the stater would delay paying some of its larger bills untilp July. The governor is also asking the the Legislature, and the Office of Hawaiian Affair to implement equivalent furlough days or restricrt their budgets. Hawaii law does not allow ordering furloughs for the Departmentof Education, the University of Hawaio or the Hawaii Health Systems but Lingle said their spending will be restricte in an amount equivalent to the three-days-per-month furlough. The which start July 1, amount to about a 13.
8 percenrt pay cut, or about $5,500 for a worker makingg $40,000 a year. As with Lingle does not have to negotiate the furloughs with any of the unionz representingstate workers. Lingle has said she doesn’rt want to lay off workers because of the disruptivs effect of contract rules that would enable senior workers to junior workers, even if they workerd in different state agencies. The furlough s will save $688 Lingle said the savings are needede to close a gapof $730 millionm between now and June 30, 2011, as forecasgt by the state’s Council on Revenuesz May 28. All told, Hawaiui is expected to see tax revenue fallby $2.7 billionm over the next two years.
“If we do not implemenf the furlough plan, we would have to lay off up to 10,00 0 employees to realize an equivalent amount of Lingle said. The state has about 46,000p workers, including 21,000 employees of the Departmentyof Education. Lingle blame d the fiscal shortfall on thelingering recession, rising dropping visitor arrivals, a decline in private buildinvg permits, a doubling of and record bankruptcy The state Legislature ended its session last montbh by raising tax ratess on hotel rooms, high-income earners, luxury home transactions and tobacc o to help meet the budget But Lingle, a Republicann whose vetoes of those measures were overridden by majoritg Democrats, said she would not ask for additional tax She also rejected calls for legalizingy gambling.
However, Lingle notee that 70 percent of state operating funds go to laborr costs and that the state had provided employee wage increasr of between 16 and 29 percenrt over the past fouryears “whej our economy was thriving.”
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Ram Realty files foreclosure on commercial site - Nashville Business Journal:
It is one of the firstf foreclosure lawsuits initiatedby Ram, which said in February that it acquired 10 nonperforminv loans valued at $57 million from two large regionak banks. The property is a 3.7-acre parcel at the northwest corner of Hagenm Ranch Road and BoyntonBeach Boulevard. Afterr Safety Harbor-based GKK-Hagen bought the land for $4.5 milliob in 2007, the developer obtained a $7.1 millionm construction mortgagefrom Birmingham, Ala.-based . That same GKK-Hagen signed a grounrd lease with Cincinnati-based , whichg planned to build a brancu onthe site. However, court records show that leasr deal was terminatedin January. On Feb.
27, Region s Bank assigned its mortgage on the site toBoyntoj Hagen, a company managed by Ram Realty II REIT. Regions also granted a $1 million mortgagse to Boynton Hagen to help finance the purchaswe ofits loan. Boynton Hagen filed its foreclosure lawsuit on Marcjh 11against GKK-Hagen and George K. Kidman, executive VP of in Safetg Harbor. Kidman declined comment. Miami attorney Raymondr V. Miller, who represents Boynton Hagen in the did not immediately return a call seeking According to ParadiseDevelopmenty Group’s Web site, it has developed 5.1 millioj square feet of retail mostly in Florida, Georgia and Pennsylvania. It said it has constructedd 47 stores and40 stores.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Polsinelli Shughart law firm moving to LoDo - Business First of Buffalo:
The firm confirmed Friday that its localp office is relocating to the newlyu built 1515 Wynkoop office building on Wynkoop Street in Lower Downtown TheKansas City-based firm’s Denver branch currently is located in downtown’ s Independence Plaza at 1050 17th St. The firm’s Denveer office has leased roughly 38,000 square feet of spacs at itsnew location, with an option to grow. The move is planne for September 2009.
“We are pleased to relocated our attorneys and staff to a part of downtown that representw the growth and vitalityof Denver, enabling the expansiohn of our firm’s practice and presence here,” Steve Long, founder and managing partner of Polsinelli Shughart’sd Denver office, said in a statementt Friday. “We are committed to remaining indowntown Denver, as it allowse us to be immersed in the business and civi c community, and provides our attorneys with a vibranf place to work,” Long added.
The firm said that its new spaces is expected to qualify forLEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmentap Design) certification for energy savings and environmentally friendly based on its use of sustainable materiale and energy-efficient lighting, heating, cooling and office LEED is the U.S. Green Building Council’s designation for sustainable design. Polsinelli Shughart was created in February by the merger of Kansaas City law firms ShughartThomsonh & Kilroy PC and Polsinelli Shalto n Flanigan Suelthaus PC. The leases of several majof law firms, either based in metrl Denver or withlocal branches, are expiring this year.
Whilr some firms are renewing leases where theyalreadhy are, others are relocating. LLP, Colorado’s largest law plans to move its southeast suburban office in August tothe transit-oriented, “green” Villags Center Station project now under construction. The branch currentlt is located at8390 E. Crescent Parkway in the Denver Tech Holland & Hart’s headquarters office remains at 555 17th Street in downtowmn Denver. Earlier this year, LLP relocatedc to the new 1400 Wewatta officee building in LoDo from OneTaborf Center.
Meanwhile, LLC recently renewed its 56,000-square-foot leased on the top three floorw of One Tabor Center for 11 more The law firm was the first tenant to commirt tothe building, which opened in 1985. Denver’xs 1515 Wynkoop building, developed by Houston-basex Hines Interests LP, broke ground in 2007. The 267,833-square-foot, eight-story officw building with retail space was completedthis spring. Other tenanta in the new building, which is pre-certified for LEED Silver include the Van GilderInsurance Corp.’s headquarters.