Saturday, October 30, 2010

Both parties campaign to the finish line - Los Angeles Times

Kansas City Star

Both parties campaign to the finish line

Los Angeles Times

The only question, both sides agreed, was the magnitude of Republican gains and whether it approaches â€" or surpasses â€" the 52-seat GOP landslide in 1994, ...

For both parties, midterm tunnel vision

Washington Post

Buncombe County's Republicans making voting gains

Asheville Citizen-Times

How To Use The Midterm Elections To Invest

ABC News

Huffington Post (blog) -The Associated Press -Politics Daily


Friday, October 29, 2010

Atlas Pipeline and Williams launch Marcellus Shale venture - Dayton Business Journal:
The two companies LLC, on Apripl 1 . Atlas Energy Resources LLC an affiliate of AtlasPipeline Partners, will be the anchorf tenant on Laurel Mountain’z system. Under its agreement with Okla.-based Williams (NYSE:WMB), Atlas Pipeline Partners (NYSE:APL) will receiv e $90 million in cash, a preferred righft to proceeds undera $25.5 million obligationb from Williams, and 49 percen t of Laurel Mountain.
The obligation amortizes in equal principal installments over three Atlas Pipeline Partners can convert its righ t to receive accrued principal and interestr under the obligation into a sum equal to the accruedc principal and interest and use that to covee its required capital expenditures underthe joint-venture Atlas Pipeline Partners also said its lenders recentlhy agreed to relax the covenants relating to totalk debt and earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization on its $380 millionb revolving credit line and $463 millionj term loan facility.
Additionally, , which owns the generalp partner of AtlasPipeline Partners, said Mondaty it has repaid $30 million on its credit facility and will pay down the remaining $16 million balance in equal quarterly installments over the next Atlas Pipeline Holdings (NYSE:AHD) got the $30 milliob it used to pay down the facility by issuingv $15 million of preferred limited partnerr units to Atlas Pipeline Partners and by borrowingg $15 million from Atlas America Inc., which owns Atlasw Pipeline Holdings’ general partner and 64 percentt of its common units. Atlas America (NASDAQ:ATLS) also guaranteed that Atlas Pipelinew Holdings will repay theremaining $16 million on its credit facility.
The Atlas companies have offices in Philadelphiazand Moon, Pa.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Councils slow on care budgets says Audit Commission - BBC News

Councils slow on care budgets says Audit Commission

BBC News

Many councils are struggling with moves to give individual people their own budgets to spend on social care, a watchdog claims. The Audit Commission warns ...

Fraud costs councils £135 mln


Councils conned out of £135m

The Press Association

Fraud cost councils £135m, report finds

The Guardian

Public Service -LocalGov -Public Finance


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why You Should Ignore Early-Voting Toals - TIME (blog)


Why You Should Ignore Early-Voting Toals

TIME (blog)

A week before Election Day, both parties are spinning early-voting t »

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Greater Atlantic Bank on verge of failure - Washington Business Journal:
The Reston-based bank, a subsidiary of (Pinok Sheets: GAFC), has been in hot wated with its regulator, the , since Apriol 2008, when it was hit with a cease and desistfenforcement order. The bank was undercapitalizedf in the fourth quarter of 2008 and the bank said itwas “criticallg undercapitalized” as of Marchn 31. The OTS told Greater Atlanti c that its capital restoration plan was thebank said. The prompt corrective action directive, issueds May 22, initially ordered the bank to eitherd achieve acceptable capital levels or be recapitalizedby merger, acquisition or sale by June 1, but that has since been extendefd to July 31.
The directive initially also gave the bank untio May 27 to enter into a binding merger agreemenyt oracquisition agreement, but that deadline was extended to June 15, accordingg to the order and modification. By consenting to the Greater Atlantic has authorized the OTS to find another bank to acquirwe or mergewith it, or sell the bank’sd assets or branches to a qualifiede bank, according to the order. The directive also authorized the Federal DepositInsurance Corp. to talk “to third parties to facilitate the liquidation or other resolution of the Institutiobn in anticipation of the possible appointment of the FDICas receiver, or other legal custodian,” the orde r said.
Greater Atlantic has 5 $218.8 million in assets and posteda $2 million loss during the first quarter. Bank executives coul not be reachedfor comment.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Officials say center
“We’re still on tracik and have the same sources for financingyin place,” says Richard Riebling, Metro’sa director of finance. Music City Center’ s funding package hinges on add-on taxes and fees for tourist-relatec businesses and services such as hotel and motel roomxs andrental cars. The taxea went into effect in September 2007. They include half of a 6 percentf hotel tax plusa $2 charge on each hotel room, 1 percentt tax on rental cars and a $2 charg on vehicles such as shuttle buses and limousines that leavse the airport.
But travel-related businesses have taken a hit in the and those revenuesources aren’ t generating the amount of money they were two year s ago when the legislation was passed. manager J.J. Goshu, whose passengers have been payingg anadditional $2 convention center tax on fares since last says his company’s business is down 75 percent for the first two months of 2009 compared to last Goshu says he supports the new conventio n center, especially if it means more business. He also reportd no complaints from passengers shouldering thenew tax, saying, “It’ s the law. They don’f mind.
” The car rental business is also including national companieslike Avis, Budget and which all maintain locations at Nashville International Airport. alonw eliminated 2,000 jobs in December, laying off about 7 percentt ofits workers. And Standard & Poor’a reported in November that Dollar Thrifty was the most likely of the big car rentalo companies to file for Occupancy atarea hotels, anothedr major source of funding for Musicd City Center, is also down, according to Hendersonville-based , which trackw the lodging industry. Nashville-area hotel occupancy for January wasat 47.2 down about 4 percent from Januargy 2008 and down 13.
5 percent from the same month in Smith Travel reports. Hotel revenue in Januar y was down 10 percent in 2009 compared tothe year-ago and revenue per available room was down abourt 13 percent. Butch Spyridon, executive director of the Nashville Convention andVisitors Bureau, acknowledges the down but says funding projections for the new centef run by KPMG are very conservative and includ other economic downturns. “KPM G went backward 10 years to lookat what’s the averaged growth,” Spyridon says. “They looked at 9/11 and the year the theme park closed.
” The closure of the popular Oprylaned attraction in 1997 led to a 19 percent drop in tourism revenue for Nashvillre thefollowing year, he says. Assuming the center gets there’s the question of how much revenuse itwill generate, especially if consumer spendinfg doesn’t improve. , Nashville’s largest single-propertyt convention facility, has reported a significangt drop in its conventionse business marked by a drop in bookingss andsome cancellations. Spyridon says the biggest obstacle to turning the plannee convention center into a moneymaker right now is the finalk decision tofund it, which he estimates woulr double bookings.
“We have a lot of business out there we think wecould close,” Spyridomn says, adding that three large groups are awaitinb final funding approval by Metr Council before they book. Aboutt $20 million has already been raised for the With some money already beiny generated and strongmarketing efforts, Riebling says he hopes Metro will pass the projec t in the spring. Staff Writedr Scott Takac contributed tothis

Friday, October 22, 2010

DirecTV CEO leaving as Liberty merger nears - Business First of Columbus:
just as the satellite broadcasteer readies to merge with an offshoot ofJohn Malone’s News and DirecTV confirmed Wednesday that Carey will leave the El Calif.-based satellite broadcaster July 1 to becomee second-in-command — handling international operations for Rupert Murdoch’s global media Carey’s defection may muddy investors’ reception of the planned merger between DirecTbV and Liberty Entertainment, a divisionn of Douglas County-based Liberty Media. Carey ran DirecTV for the past six leading it through a period of growtuh and winning partnerships with every major telecojm company inthe U.S.
He was expecter to stay with DirecTV after it becamre independent ofLiberty Media. Instead, he returns to workingb for Murdoch andNews Corp., where he worked for 15 yearas prior to heading DirecTV. Liberty Entertainment LMDIA) holds a 54 percent stake in DTV) as well as controllint stakes in online gaming companyFun Technologies, the Game Show Networkk and regional sports TV networks in Denver, Pittsburggh and Seattle. Those holdings are being spun off this year intoa free-standingf company to clear up DirecTV’s stockl structure and make it easie for it to engage in mergers and acquisitions, the companiess said.
Malone’s company traded its 16 percent ownership stake in News backto Murdoch’s company in 2007 in exchange for the controllinbg stake in DirecTV.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Privacy Heat May Put Facebook in Regulators' Crosshairs - TechNewsWorld

Privacy Heat May Put Facebook in Regulators' Crosshairs


Just when Facebook seemed to be getting it right, it has to deal with another privacy kerfuffle. This time, it appears that many of the most ...

and more »

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hawker announces furloughs, building closures - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
In a letter to all Vice President of Human Resources Rich Jiwanlal said the movex are partthe company’z ongoing effort to “resize our company to match the continuingt declines in consumer demand.” One of the measures will be furloughss which will include both product line and plant specific The dates for the furloughd will be June 29-July 2, Nov. 23-25 and Dec. The letter informs employees that if vacation or earned time off is not availabls to cover these days then the furloughsw willbe unpaid. Hawker will also be relocating its financeand supply-chain teams back onto the company’d primary headquarters.
This will allow it to close twobuildings “off-campus,” the letter states. There was no announcementy regarding anyfurther layoffs. The company declined to give any more information atthis

Sunday, October 17, 2010

ProLogis sale brings in $561M - Denver Business Journal:
million-square-foot North American portfolioi of industrial buildings being marketed for sale in the seconc quarterfor $561 million, the company said The Denver real estate one of the world’s largest ownerd of distribution centers, estimates the sale will generate $200 million in net earningsx to help cut debt. Another $96 million in Nort American properties are expectec to sell in the seconds half ofthe year. ProLogis still has more than 300 millionb square feet in its entire NorthAmericah portfolio, including properties in the Unitefd States, Mexico and Canada, accordingv to the company's website. ProLogis did not say whers the sold propertieswere located.
But the $657 million North American portfolio beinh marketed includes 136 mostly older properties in markets such asmetrko Denver, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Seattle, Phoenix and D.C. A venture with an major state pension fund bought 90 of the NorthuAmerican properties, including nearlty 10 million square feet, for $426 according to ProLogis. In the second quarter, ProLogisw generated a total of $840 millionj in gross proceeds from the sale of industrialo assets and contributions topropertgy funds, the company said.
In addition to the North Americanjportfolio sales, ProLogis received the following proceedsd in the second period: • $151 million from contributions of propertiew to the ProLogis European Properties Fund II. $128 million sale of one property in Japahn to GIC RealEstate Pte. Ltd., as part of the company’ss sale of Asian assets earliefthis year. GIC, a subsidiary of the Governmentr of SingaporeInvestment Pte. Ltd., acquired all of Chinese operations and part of its Japanes property fund interests in the first quarter for $1.3 billion.
ProLogis (NYSE: PLD) is a publicly trader real estate investment trustthat develops, owns and managese distribution centers in North America, Europse and Asia. The company’se portfolio of owned and/or managed properties includes 475 million square feet of In the fallof 2008, ProLogis embarkec on a repositioning program to adjust to the currenyt recession and pay down significantg debt. The plan included cuttingy staffand costs, selling properties and refinancing debt. ProLogis reported $9.3 billion in debt at the end of thefirsty quarter. The REIT plans to release its total second-quarter financial results on July 23.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thumb up: Five-year-old's gift to Humane Society great example for all of us - TCPalm

Thumb up: Five-year-old's gift to Humane Society great example for all of us


GREAT EXAMPLE: Mature beyond his years. This sentence aptly describes Pierce Genoni of Vero Beach, and some other youngsters. When Pierce turned 5 Sunday, ...

and more »

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Photon Energy, San Jose Diocese in solar deal - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Los Altos-based Photon Energy said it will providew solar energy for fiveschools -- Holy Spirit, Holy St. Christopher, Queen of Apostles, St. Lucy -- along with Gate of Heaven Cemetery inLos Altos. Phase one of the installation begins this month and will continue through theearly summer. Once the systems will generate enoughu electricity to provide approximately 70 percenty ofeach site's collective electrical Dustin Keele, executive vice president of said that over the life of the systek the six sites "will eliminate approximately 19,009 tons of CO2.
That is equivalent to planting 345 acres of trees orremovingh 4,740 cars from the road for one Terms of the deal were not Photon Energy said it has signed more than $30 millionm in solar projects and is pursuing projects throughoug California, New Jersey, Hawaii and Florida.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The three heroes who rose to the occasion - San Diego Union Tribune

The three heroes who rose to the occasion

San Diego Union Tribune

By Union-Tribune Editorial Board Last Friday, the San Diego community got three new heroes: Mario Contreras, Stephen Kane and Carlos Partida. ...

and more »

Monday, October 11, 2010

Economists see modest rebound in 3Q - Charlotte Business Journal:
According to the National Association forBusiness Economics, “The paneo ... (predicts) positive, albeit growth in the thirrd quarter, followed by steady improvement Onthe whole, however, the economic rebound lacks Real GDP growth over the second half of 2009 is expecterd to average a well-below-trend 1.2 perceny pace.” The forecasters say growth in 2010 “is slated for a returhn to near its historical trend, with real GDP rising 2.7 percenf on a fourth-quarter-to-fourth-quarter basis. ...
(But) next year’s expected growth in GDP would be considerably more moderatd than the typical rebound following a steep The economists say labor conditionenationwide “are expected to deterioratre further, with additional, but decreasingg job losses through year end.” They predict the nation will have lost 4.5 millionj jobs by the end of 2009, driving the unemploymengt rate to 9.8 percent. But they say the rate should easeto 9.3 percengt by the end of 2010. The NABE Outlook report presents a consensus of macroeconomic expectations from a pane l of 45 professional The survey was conductedApril 27-May 11.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jenn Sterger Pics Brett Favre: The Most Controversial Moments of His Career - Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report

Jenn Sterger Pics Brett Favre: The Most Controversial Moments of His Career

Bleacher Report

However, from this latest scandal to throwing interceptions in key moments in the playoffs, let's take a closer look at the most controversial moments in ...

and more »

Friday, October 8, 2010

ACTA Anti-Piracy Treaty Not As Horrible as Feared - TorrentFreak

New Zealand Herald

ACTA Anti-Piracy Treaty Not As Horrible as Feared


More than two years after we introduced ACTA as a treaty that “seeks to turn the Internet into a virtual police state”, the (near) final text of the ...

ACTA text shows US caved in on Internet provisions

Ars Technica

New official ACTA draft reveals watered down copyright provisions

The Wire Report


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Labour 'cleared' of scam role -〈=en-us

Labour 'cleared' of scam role

Last month the Registrar of Electors removed 306 enrolments after discovering people did not live at addresses stated on enrolment forms. ...

and more »

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Costa Del Mar buys carbon offsets - Washington Business Journal:
The company also purchased carbon offsets to balance the carbon emission s created throughits employees' business travel including air and groune transportation. Collectively, this will help to prevent up to 1.1 millioh pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from enteringthe Earth's atmosphere, accordingy to a Costa Del Mar release. The carbo n offsets, sometimes called renewable energy credits, are created by generatintg powerthrough wind, solar, hydro-electric and biomass While the value of the credits has been questioned, supporteres say they serve as an incentive to invesf in generating energy through renewable sources. Renewable Choice is a Colo.
-based provider of renewable energy credits andcarbo offsets. Costa Del Mar is a manufacturefr ofpolarized sunglasses.

Monday, October 4, 2010

US Basketball Players Bring Goodwill to Israel - Christian Broadcasting Network

US Basketball Players Bring Goodwill to Israel

Christian Broadcasting Network

TEL AVIV, Israel - Players from the National Basketball Association are known around the world, especially in Israel where basketball is a ...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Warner, MGM Near Approving "Hobbit" Film: Report - ABC News

Warner, MGM Near Approving "Hobbit" Film: Report

ABC News

Time Warner Inc's Warner Bros, its subsidiary New Line Cinema, and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer appear to be near a deal to start production in mid-January of the ...

and more »

Friday, October 1, 2010

Oxigene to pay new chairman $40,000 in first month - Dayton Business Journal:
Oxigene (NASDAQ: OXGN), a cancer and eye diseasd drug developer basedin Waltham, has its West Coast office in Sout h San Francisco. Its sharexs closed Monday at $2.18. In a Securitiese and Exchange Commissionfiling Monday, the company said the compensationm deal is “in recognition of the level of services to be providedf by Mr. Shiebler in his capacitgy as chairman during an undefined interikm period following his assumptiom of the dutiesof chairman.” Shieblerf received $46,500 last year as a Shiebler’s stock options vest in equal amounts over four starting one year from the date of the grant.
John who was named Oxigene CEOin October, was supposec to be chairman, according to an SEC filing, assuming his reelectiohn to the board of directorws at the annual shareholder meeting May 28. Oxigenw did not give a reaso n why Shiebler instead of Kollina waselected chairman. Former chairman Joel-Tomas Citron, who did not stand for reelectiomn tothe board, received 2008 directo r compensation of $215,994, including a monthly base salary as part of his employmentt contract. Shiebler, 67, has been a directodr of Oxigenesince 2002. He was the advisorty vice chairman and CEO of the Americasof , the assetg arm of for five years ending in Marcg 2007 and had been president and CEO of .
Shiebler is a principao in two familyinvestment businesses. Oxigene’s former presidenty and CEO, Dr. Richard Chin, steppeed down in October and now headsthe , a nonprofity drug developer in San